As in all professions, you come across some pretty funny things that people may say. Some of it may only be funny from your own perspective, as the expert, and sometimes the other person just may be having an off day and are not thinking straight. Either way I’ve kept some of my favorite quotes that I have come across over the years and wanted to share them. These are tenants and applicants for rental homes:
1) “These carpets are so hard to keep clean. The problem is the dirt from outside gets all over them. In my opinion outside is dirty (3 comments)
To me that is the same as saying, “My education was so expensive and stressful that I don’t want to use it so I ripped up the diploma.” Essentially, the expense and stress of any situation is just like paying tuition for some education. Now that you paid for an education you should use it. Ask yourself things like what went wrong? What should I have done different? How can (1 comments)
property manager: Rental Applications need Ninja Reflexes
- 02/29/16 04:14 AM
Has anyone ever heard of or experienced this, “I submitted a rental application to this other place over a week ago and still haven’t heard back from them”? One of my best tenants, a little old single lady with perfect credit and stable income said this right before she signed a lease with me. Actually, I hear comments like this all the time from people looking for a place to live.
I’m always baffled by these comments because I can’t think of many things that would have priority over filling a vacancy. A vacant home is one of the the biggest expenses (0 comments)
Wow, you are a real peace of work. I guess it’s your way or the highway, right? You sure like to flash around the little authority you have. Well if you won’t do it I’ll take my business to someone that has better customer service. Are you serious? How do you expect to get anyone to ever work with you? Do you want my business or not? Do you know how long I’ve been in this industry? You don’t know what you are talking about. If you had any idea the amount of money I represent you wouldn’t be so concerned (1 comments)
I have heard of different incentive programs that are supposed to increase the length of time tenants stay in a rental home. Such as, earning points for rewards, giving out privlages, parties, etc. I would like to hear if anyone has had any real, measurable success with these but here is my take on them. If they cost anything at all then they are a waste of money. There are some things that a property manager should be doing anyway that will be just as effective or more effective. Also, no matter what you do tenants will eventually move anyway.
Many beginners in the real estate industry imagine their new rental will provide a care free source of cashflow. If this is what you are hoping for, you may be in for a rude awakening.
Of course, being a property manager, I’m going to recommend not managing your rental yourself. There are some real reasons for this, besides the fact that I’d like a chance to earn your business.
A rental property will need time and money put into it. Over the normal course of business you will need to do bookkeeping, periodic inspections, take care of maintenance issues, find and screen new (0 comments)
property manager: Fill the water buck? No, I’m too busy with this fire.
- 02/23/16 08:09 AM
Do you ever feel like your days are spent taking care of whomever or whatever is screaming at you the loudest? Then by the end of the day you throw your hands up in the air, frustrated, upset, and dreading the fact that tomorrow it’ll all start over again. If this is a recurring theme in your life then you may be too busy putting out fires rather than just keeping water in the fire bucket.
Mistakes and oversights happen and at times we’ve all felt the twisting knot in our stomachs as we stand stripped of pride, vulnerable, and about to (2 comments)
"Hello? This is the property manager, Realtor, plumber, accountant, attorney, handyman - speaking”
Owning investment property can mean you'll be wearing a lot of hats, but not if you plan on being successful at it. I come from a "do it yourself" home and have been raised that you work hard to get places in this world. Those lessons have been valuable in bringing me some successes but there is also a level of working smarter that needs to be mixed into the formula.
When I first started investing in real estate I had to decide what my vision of the future (30 comments)
property manager: Real Estate and Some of the Funny Things People Think
- 02/21/10 04:36 PM
As someone that is excited about real estate I often get in conversations with people about rentals and real estate investments. I've been asked so many crazy questions even from people in the industry. For example: How much more should I charge for rent than my mortgage payment?(Ans. Rent is dictated by the market not your bills. Just make sure you can afford your payment based on what you can charge for rent.) Aren't you worried about the value of the home going down?(Ans. No, my ability to pay the mortgage is not influenced by the value of the home. Plus, real estate is (3 comments)
There are a certain percentage of people every year who find that their schedule or their life is too hectic to continue managing rental property. If they don't want to get rid of their investments by selling, a property management company can be a good option. It can also be a good option that can allow you to own more real estate than you could find time to manage yourself, and still experience the wealth-building power of real estate. Jeremy Higginson, a real (0 comments)
This is a forum for those of us that love real estate and love to invest in it. Please leave your comments, success stories and your not so successful stories. I'd like to see them all. If you have any questions about investing in real estate please ask.