fall: September in Vernal Utah - 11/15/08 03:07 AM
Vernal Utah plants hundreds of pots with petunias each year. The run from the beginning of town on Hwy 40, down Main Street and out to Hwy 40 on the other end of town. It is an amazing display of color. Last spring I posted pictures of the petunias announcing spring. The flowers in the fall were even better. By then they had exploded from their pots and were heading down the curb to the road.




fall: Fall Colors are great in Vernal Utah! - 11/15/08 02:54 AM
I got the chance to take pictures in September of the area around Vernal Utah. The weather was warm and great for hiking, rock hunting, and of course taking photos. We drove up near Red Cloud Loop for a few hours to enjoy the scenery and we were not disappointed. The Aspen trees were a wonderful contrast with their bright yellow leaves.