online: Google's New Year's Gift Pagerank Updated - 12/30/08 11:13 PM

Google has updated their Pagerank on December 30th right before New Year's.  Consider this a New Year's Eve present!
Word on the web had rumors stirring that Pagerank was going to be updated before Christmas Day but Google once again fooled us making this Pagerank Update the longest it has been since 2003.

Google Pagerank usually updates every 3 months.  Pagerank is a measuring tool from 0-10 (10 being the Best) that is used to measure Reputation and Content.
The controversy is that some webheads don't feel Pagerank is worth it, but wouldn't you want to … (15 comments)

online: What is a #Hashtag? Is #Hashtags Dying? Twitter Search Wins? - 09/28/08 02:44 PM
What the heck is a #Hashtag?
Ever notice in Twitter World that people have been using "#" signs in front of "Keywords" or "Groups" or "Locations" ?
Well these so called # groups are called "Hashtags" what is a hash tag you may ask?
Hashtags are used to create real time track records of creating groups on twitter. Placing the # sign in front of keywords or targeted groups, makes it easier to track all conversations in the twitter timeline via search.
Hashtags were most notable during the San Diego forest fires in 2007 when Nate Ritter used the hashtag "#sandiegofire" … (43 comments)

online: APTURE: The New Tool for your Blogs just like Snapshots - 09/27/08 12:21 PM
What is Apture?
Apture is the latest pop-up preview that is rich in text and information.
Most people have been using Snapshots which you can view a demo ----> hover on this link <------
Apture can replace Embedded Videos, Documents and Images.  I love it! It makes your blog posts more Clean and Streamlined.  No more messing with embedded codes just insert a link and your done! :)
How to install Apture?
Apture is really easy to install.  If you ever added a script code to Activerain Settings you should be familiar with this.
Start by going to Register your … (24 comments)