personal branding: Customers Know You're Faking It - 09/22/08 02:56 AM
Let's face it. You know a fake when you see one - a fake designer purse, an artificial flower, a false friend. You know when a company isn't what it seems. They may get you the first time, but you won't be back. It's crucial that you never fake it because your customers will find out. Be true to yourself, and understand enough about your customers to convey your true worth to them at every transaction point.
Consumers are a lot smarter than we think. Duane E. Knapp of, The Brand Mindset: How Companies like Starbucks, Whirlpool, and Hallmark Became Genuine … (0 comments)

personal branding: What is 2” by 3 ½”, contains a logo and is vital to you and your business’s success? - 09/09/08 03:24 AM
... a business card.  With card in hand and a simple genuine conversation between you and a stranger, your business could become a nationally recognized brand.
In the profession of sales, you need to be comfortable asking for business. If approaching people is difficult, try practicing. Write it out, talk to a mirror, video tape yourself, whatever works for you. Remember, people respond best to authentic conversation.  Walking up to someone on the street and just handing them your card doesn't work.  Ending a casual conversation with "lets keep in touch" or "if you need anything, here's my card" works well.

personal branding: You Want Me to Create a What? - 06/04/08 08:05 AM
Whether you like baseball, ballroom dancing, pushing the envelope or flying under the radar, your innermost traits should be exhibited in your own personal brand. This being said, I challenge those of you who haven't used a glue stick since 1st grade to create a brand board that displays your personality and passions.  
What's a brand board? It's a poster board that you transform into a montage of pictures and images that accurately represent your personality. Are you calm and green; fresh and blue; or vibrant and red? My board is predominantly red and full of things that make me … (1 comments)

personal branding: headshot or no headshot? what does personal branding - 05/01/08 08:31 AM
     I just spent the past week on a book tour and speaking to fabulous Realtors across the country and a common theme emerged. What is the definition of personal branding in real estate advertising today?     Historically, personal branding in real estate has centered around your headshot. It's a form of advertising that's almost unique to the real estate industry and trust me, many branding folks from outside the industry do make fun of the notion. Business cards with a photo on them? Come on, they'll say. At first, when I began building the Real Living brand as the first women focused, … (11 comments)

personal branding: Vision boards and you - 03/27/08 05:30 AM
If you walked into my office today, aside from the typical mess, you would find stacks of magazines, glue sticks, poster-board, scrap-booking paper and more. And no, we aren't preparing for a scrap-booking party, although that could be fun. At Real Living we are preparing for a series of workshops for our agents focused on finding the real you and defining it visually.
Brand boards - as they are called in the marketing world - are a visual representation of a company's brand. It's how advertising agencies help their clients dileniate their brand promise and the visual cues they think embody … (2 comments)

Kaira Sturdivant Rouda (Real Living)

Kaira Sturdivant Rouda

Malibu, CA

More about me…

Real Living

I'm blogging about the entrepreneurial spirit alive and well in real estate and about how important it is to put the real you in your business, for a genuine, sustained competitive advantage. Visit for more!




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