Yes, you can. But the bonus income needs to follow a few rules, first. Employees get paid in different ways. The most common is a regular paycheck on the 1st and the 15th of each month or maybe every other week. One of the primary responsibilities of a mortgage lender when evaluating a loan appli
Just the other day, it happened again.I ended up face to face with a real estate myth I thought had been debunked out of existence in the last century.And yet, there I was in a popular "resto," waiting for my lunch companion and half listening to the two articulate couples chatting at the table b
Whether you're painting your kitchen cabinets or ripping the whole kitchen out, renovating is exciting. Not as exciting is the mess that's created, the potential issues with contractors, and the mad scramble to come up with more money when something goes awry. While you can't avoid every unpleasa
“Location, location, location” is the mantra when it comes to where to buy a home. But when it comes to what to buy, it gets a little more complicated. There is definitely a contingent who would insist that you would buy the best home you can afford. But while there is something to be said for bu
1. The effects of Covid-19 on commercial real estate will be more pronounced.A common theme in the media for the end of 2020 was that we lived through a horrible year and 2021 would be better for us all. That statement might not be true for everyone. What history has proven is that distressed ass