buy: Renovation Tips For A Classic, Not Trendy, Home - 06/23/21 04:34 AM
Here's the dilemma. You're getting ready to redo your kitchen and you want it to be stylish and modern but not trendy. After all, this is the only kitchen renovation you ever plan to do and you don't want it to be outdated before you are even finished with the final touches.
If you're paralyzed because you're afraid of making the wrong decision, we get it. We're facing a similar dilemma here, FYI, with floors that need to be done and so many options from which to choose and no winner (yet) because it's not yet clear if what is currently hot … (2 comments)

buy: Tips: Get The Most Out Of Small Kitchens - 06/14/21 05:45 AM
Many people complain about small kitchens but tiny spaces aren't always to be dreaded. If you're selling your home and your kitchen is, well, compact, know that you can find ways to achieve big appeal with a little creativity.
Bring in the light. Sometimes small kitchens can be dark, making them feel even smaller. But if you remove the curtains from any windows in your small kitchen, it'll let light in and open up the area. Instead of curtains, you can use small blinds that are recessed inside the frame of the window. These are easy to clean and still provide some … (2 comments)

buy: Tips To Handle The Stress Of Selling Your Home - 05/18/21 05:44 AM
Three things are certain in life: death, taxes ... and undue stress caused by moving. Whether or not you use the services of a REALTOR® to help you wade through the uncertain waters of the buy-and-sell process, moving is stressful, period. And there's not much you can do to avoid it. And we're not just talking about packing and paperwork. Moving is an emotional process. If your'e not calming down your nervous children, you're trying to reassure yourself that you'll meet people in your new neighborhood, that you bought the best house within your means, and that your kids' new schools … (1 comments)

buy: Tips For Creating A Luxe Bedroom - 05/17/21 05:03 AM
Creating a relaxing, romantic retreat of a bedroom is the goal, but it's not as easy as just loading the furniture in and making the bed. Many people find that even with beautiful pieces and great space, their bedroom is still lacking that something special. A few tips and the right mix can make you feel more serene, help you sleep better, and even make you feel more amorous in your private sanctuary.
Get the lighting right
You don't want to feel like you're being interrogated in the bedroom. Super bright lights don't set the mood, nor are they useful for helping you … (1 comments)

buy: Financial Don'ts When Getting Ready To Buy A Home - 05/13/21 05:59 AM
If you're in the process of buying a home, you've probably already met with a lender who advised you on what to do and what not to do during the escrow process. But if you're just getting ready to buy or plan on doing so in the near future, following a few financial tips can mean the difference between qualifying...and not, and also getting a decent rate. These are a few universal "don'ts" that will help you stay on track, even before you get a lender involved.
Don't take out more credit
If you're thinking you're going to buy a house in a … (3 comments)

buy: Are Prefab Homes About to Have Their Day? Amazon Thinks So. - 05/10/21 05:03 AM
For some people, the idea of prefab homes gives the impression of something you might live in because you have to, not because you choose to. Or, they’re lumped in with mobile homes in a sort of sub-home category. But are prefabs about to have their day? They are if Amazon has anything to say about it.
The company has made its first investment in a homebuilder, partially funding startup Plant Prefab through its Alexa Fund—which has typically been used for injecting money into voice tech—in a move that Architectural Digest called “game-changing.”
Indeed, Business Insider, among others, mused that this is the … (4 comments)

buy: 5 Tips For The Best Granite Countertops - 05/05/21 05:32 AM
The interior design industry has been trying for years to break homeowners' addiction to granite counters. They've introduced stainless, concrete, glass, quartz, wood, marble and other ideas to wean people away, but the alternative surfaces just don't have the luxury look that granite does.
If you're getting granite countertops for the first time, here are five things you need to know:
Choose the right stone. Granite is a general term that describes a type of granular igneous rock formed by cooled magma and indigenous minerals. Depending on where the granite is quarried, it can be stunning with streaks of gray, pink, red, green, … (4 comments)

buy: A Regional Guide to Staging Your Outdoor Space - 05/03/21 04:56 AM
Indoor-outdoor living is a concept that's becoming ever more important to homebuyers. And no matter where in the US you live or when you want to sell, you can stage your outdoor space to show buyers how they can make the most of it year-round.
With so many gorgeous days on the calendar, a great outdoor space is a must on most homebuyers' wish lists in this part of the country. But the region - which ranges from Arizona to parts of Louisiana - is challenged by extreme heat. To help buyers imagine how to beat that heat, be sure your outdoor … (3 comments)

buy: Tips To Keep Your Home Show-Ready At All Times - 04/29/21 05:43 AM
Once your home goes on the market, real estate agents may call to show your home anytime, day or evening. Keeping your home "showtime" ready can be challenging, especially if you have children and pets.
What you need to stay organized is a handy checklist so you can be ready to show at any time. When you get the call that buyers are on their way, give everyone in the household a basket and assign them each to a room to pick up clutter quickly. Set a timer and tell everyone to grab up any toys on the floor, clear tabletops and … (4 comments)

buy: Is Now The Right Time For A Kitchen Remodel? - 04/27/21 06:25 AM
It's totally normal for those kitchen remodeling pangs to go crazy during the holidays. If you've spent time at a friend or family member's house that has a freshly updated kitchen, you may be feeling a little envious. If you hosted over the holidays, your kitchen's shortcomings may be top of mind. But is this the best time of year to finally go ahead with that remodel? It may just be.
"Many people think spring and summer are the best times to do a remodel because the temperature is warm and can be beneficial for the work crew especially if they have … (1 comments)

buy: The Dangers Of Love At First Sight When Buying A Home - 04/22/21 05:25 AM
Facebook just announced they are getting into the dating app game, giving those who are looking for love yet another avenue to potentially find it. While we don't yet now specific details of how it will work, one thing is for sure: There are bound to be a lot of matches made based solely (or at least mainly) on looks, alone. Is this a smart strategy? It all depends on what you're looking for. And the same could be said of your home search. If you're just looking for a pretty face, it's easy to fall in "love" - with a … (3 comments)

buy: Solutions To Saving Money On Your Next Move - 04/19/21 04:26 AM
Buying a house and moving in is gonna cost you. There's no way around it. Right? Well, actually, there may just be a way to make it not quite so painful. A willingness to negotiate and put in a little work plus a little inside info on special deals you can take advantage of can help you cut some costs. Here are eight ways to save money on your move and move in.
1. Don't take it all with you
Furniture you're no longer in love with or appliances like washers and dryers or the fridge you have in the garage can be … (14 comments)

buy: 10 Things To Do After Relocating To A New City - 04/13/21 05:26 AM
Free at last! The backbreaking work of moving large furniture from one side of the house to other is finished. No more packed boxes line the house. It's a great feelings of accomplishment. Enjoy your reprieve for a night as you've earned it. After giving yourself a day of rest it's time to get back to work!
1. Get Connected to your New Neighborhood: Probably the most anxious part of moving is meeting your new neighbors. It's essentially a crap shoot as they could be wonderful people that you will eventually trust and perhaps they will become a vital asset once you … (3 comments)

buy: Are Your Pets Soiling Your Chances of Selling Your Home? - 04/08/21 03:46 AM
Pets are often so loved by their owners that they are allowed the run of the house. At their worst, doggie and kitty dictators mark their territory with pungent odors and unsightly stains.
When you love these little furry friends, it's hard to realize how much these pets may be hurting your marketing efforts in selling your home. If you are like most pet lovers, you may be a little on the sensitive side.
If your listing agent is having a hard time communicating with you about your pets and their effect on buyers and other agents, perhaps a look at this neutral … (7 comments)

buy: Can You Use Bonus Income to Help Qualify for a Home Loan? - 03/24/21 03:30 PM
Yes, you can. But the bonus income needs to follow a few rules, first. Employees get paid in different ways. The most common is a regular paycheck on the 1st and the 15th of each month or maybe every other week. One of the primary responsibilities of a mortgage lender when evaluating a loan application is to make the determination the borrowers have the ability to repay the new mortgage along with any existing monthly credit obligations. The process is relatively simple. The lender compares total monthly credit obligations with gross monthly income. When calculating the mortgage payment, which includes an … (1 comments)

buy: 10 Tips For A Pain-Free Renovation - 03/19/21 05:07 AM
Whether you're painting your kitchen cabinets or ripping the whole kitchen out, renovating is exciting. Not as exciting is the mess that's created, the potential issues with contractors, and the mad scramble to come up with more money when something goes awry. While you can't avoid every unpleasantry associated with home renovations, you can prepare well to keep yours as pain-free as possible.
Move out!
Depending on how extensive your renovation is, staying in the home while it's going on can be horrible. And, trust us when we say that this is one of those things you only think you can get through … (5 comments)

buy: Commercial Property for Sale in Kansas City, KS - 10/02/19 04:53 PM
Long time day care and preschool being sold with renter in place


buy: Enjoy Your Maintenance-Free One-Level Living Lifestyle - 09/26/19 05:46 PM

Enjoy Your Maintenance-Free One-Level Living Lifestyle


buy: Sprawling ranch style home with 6BR 4BA in Overland Park,KS - 09/19/19 04:02 PM
Sprawling ranch style home with 6BR 4BA


buy: Smart Homes: Backed-Up Your Fridge Lately? - 06/01/19 05:24 PM
Computers may make life easier, but they don't necessarily make things simpler or automatically safer.
This is very true for smart home technology or intelligent home automation which aims to combine internet-connected computers with every aspect of home life. According to Digital Journal, "the smart or automated home applies new technology to control and automate heating, ventilation, air conditioning and security, but can involve appliances as well such as refrigerators, stoves, washers, dryers and many other items."
As Fall Home Shows start to roll out, expect to see familiar and new smart home technology showcased as the latest "must-haves."
According to, smart home … (2 comments)

Sharon Sigman, Sharon Sigman (RE/MAX )

Sharon Sigman

Sharon Sigman

Overland Park, KS

More about me…


Address: 11251 Nall Ave, Leawood, KS, 66211

Office: 913-381-6794

Mobile: 913-488-8300

Kansas City is a very good area for investers in both single family homes to apartment & commercial buildings.We have lots of inventory for residential and commercial listings.




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