foreclosure: 6 Surefire Ways To Get Your House Sold - 05/23/19 02:20 AM
We're coming to the end of summer, and that means that families seeking to buy a new home before school starts have likely already done their thing. But that doesn't mean you're out of luck if you're looking to sell. Whether you're just getting ready to list your home or haven't had any bites on your existing home for sale, these tips will get it - and you - moving.
Price it right
This is the most obvious, but also the most contentious, tip when it comes to selling a home. Everyone wants top dollar. But rule No. 1 about a house that … (1 comments)

foreclosure: Defining Who Owns What Is Critical - 05/23/19 02:14 AM
Question. It's almost fall. I am on the Board of Directors of our homeowner association, and know that we will start getting calls from owners to make repairs to such things as the streets, our tot lot, and the community recreational facility. However, we often get requests to repair (or replace) such other areas as roofs, ice-damaged bushes, and the like. How do we know what is in our area of responsibility and what areas are under the control of the homeowners?
Answer. In every community association -- whether a condominium or a homeowner association (HOA) -- there are two basic elements … (1 comments)

foreclosure: What Kinds Of Mortgages Are Available? - 12/19/18 09:01 PM
Once you have signed a contract for the purchase of your new home (or condominium or cooperative apartment), and assuming you do not have all of the cash in your bank account, you will need to obtain a mortgage loan.
There are many different loans on the market - and many different loan programs from which to choose. You should contact at least three different lenders, and ask them to give you a list of the loans which they can offer you. Take careful notes, and remember one important thing: do not give any lender any money until you are absolutely certain … (0 comments)

foreclosure: The First Offer May Be The Best Offer - 04/17/17 05:32 AM
Versions of this column have appeared before. It is still true. And for many, still relevant.
Sometimes when everything goes right we have trouble accepting that fact. Perhaps nowhere is this phenomenon more clearly illustrated than in the case where a seller receives a good offer right away.
The annals of real estate are well stocked with stories of sellers who refused to take a good, but not perfect, first offer, and who then waited a long, long time before finally accepting something else at a considerably lower price. And most agents who have been around for a while know to shudder when … (5 comments)

foreclosure: Is This Home A Good Deal? - 04/17/17 05:29 AM
There's no perfect home, but some homes are more ideal for your household than others. When you look for your next home, carefully consider these four criteria - price, features, location and condition. The closer you get to meeting all four criteria, the better your chances are of making a good buy.
In any market, price has to come first. To determine what you can comfortably afford, talk to your real estate professional. He or she can recommend a lender who will prequalify you for a purchase loan. When you know how much you can spend, it will be easier to shop … (1 comments)

foreclosure: Tips For Moving Into Your New Home - 04/13/17 10:01 AM
Congratulations, you've bought your home and it's move-in time. Wait! Before you move in, read on to get some practical and important tips.
Change the locks. You've closed escrow and the keys to your new home are yours.
The first thing you should do is change the locks. It's hard to say who may have access to your home. Anyone from real estate agents to the sellers or maintenance people: all could still have a set of keys to your home. Be safe and change the locks first thing.
If the home doesn't have deadbolts on the doors, install them. If the door has … (0 comments)

foreclosure: How to Make a Small Space Feel Larger - 12/13/16 03:59 PM
Pages of glossy magazines are often filled with immense rooms and oversized spaces full of grandeur and twelve-foot ceilings. But the truth is that most of us live in houses, apartments or townhomes built on a much smaller scale. When faced with the size of some of these tiny rooms, it's easy to get frustrated when you're trying to decorate.
But what if those rooms could feel even bigger? What if you could visually add space with a few small changes? What if there were tips and tricks and ideas to make a small room appear larger?
Good news! There are.
If you're tired … (7 comments)

foreclosure: 4 Tips for Buying a Home for Someone Who's Disabled - 11/22/16 06:59 PM
Owning your own home is considered a cornerstone in the society but sadly, only a few families are able to enjoy this privilege. This prospect seems daunting especially if you are physically or mentally challenged. Due to the condition, you may require a house in certain areas, which comes with various modifications that could be costly. All hope of owning a home despite your condition is not lost, as there are several assistance programs that can make this dream a reality. The programs make the process easier than going alone. Below are four useful tips to assist you in getting a … (3 comments)

foreclosure: How To Make Your Offer On Your Next Home Stand Out - 09/15/16 11:44 PM
It may seem hard to imagine but, yes, the cycle has spun around and in some markets there are bidding wars leaving buyers wondering, "What can I do to make my offer stand out?"
The real estate market is again heating up and many buyers are trying to get into the market now after taking a long break. For some, it's a chance to become first-time homeowners. For others, it's a chance to make a move up to a larger home or to buy a second home. Still others may have owned in previous years and are now getting back into homeownership. … (1 comments)

foreclosure: Why Get Involved In Your Community Association? - 07/20/16 11:49 PM
Question. I have lived in my community association for a number of years. Unlike the horror stories we occasionally read about regarding bad Boards or illogical enforcement of covenants, our community seems to be working fine. We have a good board of directors and a competent manager. One of our long time board members plans to resign for personal reasons, and a number of residents have encouraged me to "throw my hat into the ring." I am seriously considering this possibility, but seek your guidance.
Answer. You have lived in your community for a long time, and are pleased with the way … (2 comments)

foreclosure: 9 Reasons To Visit A Home At Night Before Buying - 06/26/16 12:35 PM
Everyone knows someone who knows someone who moved into what seemed like a perfectly great house on a perfectly nice street only to have a complete nightmare unfold. But the truth is that your neighbor doesn't have to be practicing Santeria on the front lawn for you to hate where you live. So many things can turn what seems like your dream home into a disaster. You may not be able to avoid every one of them, but doing your due diligence can help.
Step #1: Visit the homes you are considering at night. You may get a completely different perspective on … (1 comments)

foreclosure: Ditch The Makeup-Free Selfie When It Comes To Selling Your Home - 06/14/16 07:56 AM
Makeup-free selfies are all the rage, with celebrities and starlets snapping shots of their fresh, cosmetic-free faces. It's a bold move for many whose fame (and bank accounts) depend on putting forth a perfect image, and it's a trend that has garnered a lot of attention in an age when extreme photoshopping is the norm and body images issues are affecting younger and younger kids.
Everyone from Cameron Diaz to Sharon Stone to Sofia Vergara to Beyonce, and, most recently, Gwen Stefani, have shown their stuff - their real stuff - without any help from concealer and contour, and have been embraced … (1 comments)

foreclosure: Three Important Responsibilities Home Buyers Have - 06/10/16 11:52 AM
The American dream of owning a home is something everyone should have if they want it. You should be able to live where you want and enjoy the features of your environment that help you relax, entertain, play, and do more of the things you enjoy without the restrictions imposed by a landlord.
You can own a pet, build a treehouse, paint the walls your favorite color, and play music and videos as loud as you like without disturbing your neighbors. That's the essence of the dream -- independence.
For most first-time buyers, it's better to accept that for dreams to come true, … (1 comments)

foreclosure: How Safe Is Your Bathroom? A Guide to Bath Safety - 06/07/16 01:55 AM
The bathroom is one of the most-used rooms in the house. Not only is it essential to modern living, it is also wide open when it comes to design choices. But did you know it's also an opportunity to make your home safer?
When it comes to designing a bathroom, there is a lot more than just color schemes and sink models to consider. Did you know there are almost 200,000 bathroom accidents per year in the United States, and many of them are preventable?
For instance, glass doors can be dangerous for older individuals if they try to use them for support … (2 comments)

foreclosure: Mortgage Payments When You Are In Financial Trouble - 05/17/16 08:10 AM
None of us can appreciate -- nor anticipate -- the future. Although we always believe it will never happen to us, once in a while, calamity strikes, and then we have to address these very hard and difficult questions.
You own a house, with a sizable mortgage. Suddenly, you (or your spouse) lost their job, and you cannot make the monthly mortgage payments.
There are a number of options you should immediately consider. However, the very first thing you should do is to talk with your lender. Don't just discuss your issues with a low-level employee. Try to go as high up the … (0 comments)

foreclosure: A Seller's Guide To A Winning Open House - 05/16/16 02:31 AM
Holding an open house for your soon-to-be-listed or newly on the market home is a lot like being on a game show where edging out the other contestants in a short period of time is key. In TV game shows, such as "Jeopardy," the contestants don’t automatically know answers to so many trivia questions; they study and they plan and they make it appear to viewers like they walk around with that body of knowledge every day. Open houses need to be thought of similarly. Once your home is on the market, an open house is your opportunity to plan and … (1 comments)

foreclosure: So You Want To Purchase A Condominium Unit? - 04/25/16 11:11 AM
Condominium sales are hot throughout most of the country. People want the advantages which a condominium can offer -- such as not having to shovel snow, cut the grass or worry about making arrangements for maintenance and repairs.
But before you buy, you must do your homework. It is not the same as buying a single family home. All condominium associations have rules and regulations which must be honored by all owners; all associations have budgets which may or may not be adequate.
State laws differ as to whether potential buyers are entitled to receive certain information -- before they go to closing … (2 comments)

foreclosure: Taking Care Of The Termites - 04/25/16 11:07 AM
Amidst the complexities and potentials for misunderstanding in a residential real estate transaction, the subject of termite work is surely a standout. Not only do buyers and sellers often have mistaken beliefs about what is and isn't required, but also agents are liable to be unclear about various options that may be open to them and their clients. (To be clear: we are not just talking about termites here, but also other wood-destroying pests such as dry rot or some kinds of beetles).
We should begin, then, by noting the most common misperception: that a termite clearance is required by law before … (0 comments)

foreclosure: Mold Officially A Bad Thing - 04/22/16 11:40 AM
Effective January 1 of this year, the presence of mold in a California building containing dwelling units is a condition sufficient to declare the building to be substandard. This, in turn, enables a code enforcement officer to issue the landlord or property owner a "notice to repair." That is the result of Senate Bill 655 (Mitchell) which was signed into law by the Governor on Oct. 9, 2015.
According to reporting by the California Senate's legislative analyst, "indoor mold growth in homes is one of the most common housing complaints received by tenants' rights groups, legal aid organizations, and code enforcement agencies … (0 comments)

foreclosure: 4 Incentives to Close Deals With Homebuyers - 03/27/16 09:47 PM
Almost a third of sales representatives say the hardest part of closing a deal is competing against lower-priced competitors, a Richardson survey found. Home sellers and real estate agents expect to face this challenge over the next few years, especially if Bank of America's predictions about falling home prices starting in 2017 happen. Analyst Chris Flanagan, who correctly predicted bleak conditions in the subprime mortgage market in 2007, projects that the rise in housing prices will slow to 0.8 percent in 2016 before sliding into a modest decline of 1.7 percent in 2017, 2.1 percent in 2018 and 0.8 percent in … (1 comments)

Sharon Sigman, Sharon Sigman (RE/MAX )

Sharon Sigman

Sharon Sigman

Overland Park, KS

More about me…


Address: 11251 Nall Ave, Leawood, KS, 66211

Office: 913-381-6794

Mobile: 913-488-8300

Kansas City is a very good area for investers in both single family homes to apartment & commercial buildings.We have lots of inventory for residential and commercial listings.




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