puget sound: January numbers
- 02/07/07 09:43 AM
The home sales number for January are in and no big surprises. There are more houses on the market than a year ago and less buyers. However the prices are staying about the same for now. It's not really a buyers market yet but it is headed that way. As I've stated before it is a pretty fair and even market. Buyers are having more time to look for the house they really love instead of just buying a house they might like a lot before anyone else buys it. Houses that sold in 15 days now sell in 30 and (0 comments)
puget sound: Housing market in Western Washington
- 01/23/07 05:43 AM
All the news I am hearing right now is good. It's good for the buyers and for the sellers. The stats for 2006 so far are saying that 2006 was the third best year in history as far the number of home sales. Current we more homes available so there are more homes for the buyers to choose from, plus the sellers are getting a fair price for their home. The main thing for sellers is that as long as their house is priced correctly then it will sell within a 30 to 60 day window. That is for houses priced below (0 comments)
puget sound: Mortgage News
- 01/22/07 06:32 AM
Each week my good friend Alisa DeFalco from CTX Mortgage sends me an email with a recap of last weeks mortgage news and a forecast for the week. I've cut and pasted the forecast for the coming week below for your general information. Please let me know if you have any questions. This week will be a slow news week in terms of economic reports...but remember that anytime the planned economic news calendar is thin, Traders will pay more attention to other types of news and headlines, trends from other markets, and technical factors often step up to play a larger (0 comments)