golden: Golden Colorado - Investing in Real Estate
- 09/25/08 09:19 AM
Investor often ask me what types of real estate investments are available on the market. Here's what we tell them. This is the first of several postings on the topic. Please offer comments - positive or negative! Assignments. If you don't have much equity to work with, and/or if your credit power is limited, assignments can be a way to get started in real estate investing. You will need to have a strong "sales" personality to succeed at it, though.
Rental Condo or Rental Home. Purchase of a residential property to be rented out to tenants, usually on a 6-12 month lease (4 comments)
golden: A little more evidence we're past bottom of market cycle
- 09/25/08 09:17 AM
Take a look at the first page, for AUN (Aurora North). Note these positive market trends this year:- number of active listings steadily declining- average list price pretty stable (finally!)- U/C up dramatically- Number of sales / month up (partially seasonality)- DOM dropping- Stability in average sold prices and sold price as % of list- Sold price as % original price UP a lot - banks are getting better at pricing- Number of expired listings down Every indicator is improving this year in AUN. You will see the same trends in DSW (southwest Denver County), but not as marked an improvement as (4 comments)
golden: Why did Castle Rock Home Prices Drop So Much?
- 09/25/08 09:13 AM
Here's an analysis of what has happened with home prices in different suburbs around Denver Metro between Jan-May of 2007 and Jan-May 2008: The average home in Castle Rock didn't actually drop 17% in value. Instead, sales volume of the large, expensive homes (those over 4,000 square feet) plummeted 71%, while consumer instead bought many more mid-size homes in the 2,400 - 3,000 sq ft range. Here, sale volume increased 26%. The mix of selling fewer expensive luxury homes and selling many more affordable mid-market homes drove most of the sales price decline in Castle Rock. The average price of a (3 comments)