whtats my chanhassen minnesota house worth: What's My Chanhassen Minnesota House Worth? August 2019 - 08/05/19 11:51 AM
What is My Chanhassen Minnesota House Worth?
Price your home right with 
Kevin Dimmel – Realtor
Weichert, Realtors Advantage
Online home value estimates are only accurate within 10-20 percent. And many are off by much more than that.
Get a complimentary, on-site Price Trend Analysis
Weichert has developed an innovative financial tool to measure current price trends and predict future ones.
Kevin Dimmel a highly trained and knowledgeable real estate professional – will masterfully perform this in-depth consultation, going far beyond typical evaluations.
Kevin will assess your home’s special features and amenities, unique property and specific location, and will factor them into our exclusive analysis to determine a more … (0 comments)