referrals: Real Estate Referrals Gone Wrong - 09/28/10 12:13 AM
Many Business People like referrals, including Real Estate Agents.  We typically make referrals to Agents that we know, or that have a good reputation.  I made one the other day to an Agent I have worked with several times-but it went completely wrong.

I have written before about Agents that try to sell in areas they aren't familiar with, and how the prudent thing would be to refer the client out.  I have also written about Buyers that call Agents to show them properties but never mention that they are working with another Agent (usually a friend or family … (21 comments)

referrals: Real Estate It's all about Relationships....... - 08/26/07 06:25 AM
Everyone has someone to thank.  One of my recent Posts had a comment on there about not forgetting who helped us get to where we are today. Who helped us when we were the "Newbie" in the office? And have we remembered to Thank them.....
 The comment on my Post When Failing is Not an Option......... What Do You Do????? was about how many times people forget that we didn't get to where we are Today by ourselves....someone helped us.  In our fast paced business it is easy to forget, but it is nicer to remember....  I would like to Publicly Thank:
                                                                Melinda … (26 comments)