wordless wednesday: Wordless Wednesday…It’s a Texas Thang - 01/14/25 04:26 PM
Wordless Wednesday…It’s a Texas Thang
When we lived in Florida, as much as I loved our life there, I missed Texas and Texans.

We were reminded just how much we were back in the great State of Texas when we squeezed our little Prius into a parking space. 
There’s a special relationship between a Texan and their pickup truck.  It hauls feed and equipment for ranches and farms, hunting gear for the deer lease, and…well you really don’t need a reason to own a pickup truck. 
Our pickup trucks are like our X, Instagram, or Facebook. They are how we communicate and express ourselves!

wordless wednesday: Wordless Wednesday…A Beach Memory - 01/07/25 04:57 PM
Wordless Wednesday…A Beach Memory
While attempting to warm up from our near freezing temps, I time-traveled back to the many years we lived in Delray Beach. One of the things I loved about walking along the beach every morning was that we never knew what we’d see.
For example, one morning we saw this….

We walked a few more feet and got our answer….
Enjoy your Wednesday

wordless wednesday: Wordless Wednesday…The Best Way - 12/17/24 06:25 PM
Wordless Wednesday…The Best Way
On Sundays, Larry and I enjoy walking at Meyer Park. We like to change things up from our usual Kickerillo walks.  With 26 soccer fields, 2 softball fields and a basketball court, as well as trails, exercise stations, and a fishing lake and duck pond…there is always something going on. 
Last Sunday I saw the cutest mother-daughter walking through the park. I was intrigued when mom stopped to do some stretches at a gate. Her little one carefully watched her mom and did exactly as her mom did. 
From a distance, I could see that her mom did very little … (19 comments)

wordless wednesday: Wordless Wednesday…Upside Down or Rightside Up? - 12/03/24 04:56 PM
Wordless Wednesday…Upside Down or Rightside Up?
There are times when it’s hard to tell what’s rightside up or upside down. 
You’ve looked at the same person, house, building, plant for what seems like forever, and one day, something’s different. 

Are you standing on your head or has it always been that way???

Sometimes, it’s best to take a step back and breathe. 

Life rights itself sooner or later, with or without you. 

Can you guess which picture above is right side up???
Sometimes the best thing to do is to take a step back and get a little bit of a different perspective and re-evaluate things.
Austin Aries
Sometimes … (20 comments)

wordless wednesday: Wordless Wednesday…A Fun Surprise - 11/19/24 04:46 PM
Wordless Wednesday…A Fun Surprise
One of the many benefits from our daily walks is that every day is a new day. We never know what or who we’ll see. All that was needed was for us to be open for it. 
When we lived in Delray Beach, I loved taking shots of the beach. We ran into a beached shark…a makeshift boat carrying illegals dropped just off the 3 mile limit that had washed ashore…a sea turtle laying her eggs.
Someone once asked me why I took pictures of the beach every day. “It’s the same ocean and sand.” 
Clearly they saw the world … (18 comments)

wordless wednesday: Wordless Wednesday…World Kindness Day - 11/12/24 05:47 PM
Wordless Wednesday…World Kindness Day
World Kindness Day is one of my favorite days to celebrate. Of course, this is one of those days that warrants celebrating 365 days of the year. 
Kindness is one of those traits that often comes and goes in us depending upon our mood or state of mind. But it is always in us, and like other habits, the more you use it the better you get at it. 
Whatever possession we gain by our sword cannot be sure or lasting, but the love gained by kindness and moderation is certain and durable.
Alexander the Great

Kindness, like a cup of … (16 comments)

wordless wednesday: Wordless Wednesday…When Words Are Important - 11/05/24 04:06 PM
Wordless Wednesday…When Words Are Important
Yesterday’s Zoom presentation by Anthony Palmiotti (Kat Palmiotti’s husband) opened a door on a topic many of us know very little about but found extremely interesting.
Anthony is a Search & Rescue volunteer for their area of Kalispell. He mentioned there is often a lack of cell service in some of the areas and it reminded me of a time when Larry was on his wilderness expedition in the Everglades. 
Everything he needed had to fit on (or in) his kayak including 14 gallons of water, food, tent and other necessities. He and a friend were gone … (21 comments)

wordless wednesday: Wordless Wednesday…Do You Know What This Is? - 10/29/24 02:20 PM
Wordless Wednesday…Do You Know What This Is?
The first time I saw one of these was in Auburn, GA. when we were in that lovely town for the Auburn-Texas A&M game. 

Last week we saw one at one of the community parks where we walk.  Do you know what it is??

I’ve never seen that many bicycles on the path but hey… at least if one runs amok, they can fix it at this bike repair station!

wordless wednesday: Wordless Wednesday…Budding Astro?! - 10/22/24 04:14 PM
Wordless Wednesday…Budding Astro?!
Watching Raffe explore his world has been a blessing and a joy.  He’s gone from wanting to be a garbage collector to operating heavy construction equipment to becoming the next Houston Astro. 

(Each child chooses his “walk up” music! This is his!!)
Who knows where he’ll end up!  His mother told me that he’s also expressed an interest in football!!!  

You can”t stop your children from growing up but you can be present so you don’t miss your children growing up.    
Brandon Janus
Children are likely to live up to what you believe of them.
Lady Bird Johnson
Children are the living … (16 comments)

wordless wednesday: Wordless Wednesday…A Bench’s Journey - 10/15/24 03:43 PM
Wordless Wednesday…A Bench’s Journey
This is the story of a little bench. Through the years and hard weather, it no longer had a pretty shine to it. 

One leg was bent and ready to fall off. The shiny color had turned to rust and the seat was no longer there. 
(The arrow points to where the leg was broken. Larry fashioned a faux leg.)
Its owners left it on the curb. There it waited to be hauled … (19 comments)

wordless wednesday: Wordless Wednesday…Thoughts - 10/08/24 04:18 PM
Wordless Wednesday…Thoughts
Who knows where Hurricane Milton will end up. You can watch The Weather Channel and Jim Cantore tell you’re blue in the face but for those of us who’ve been through hurricanes, you know that they will do what they’re gonna’ do! 
Let’s put our thoughts and prayers for all of those in Milton’s path. I apologize if I left anyone out. If you know someone in the area…touch base with them. 
If you’re in FL, please check in with us and let us know how you are. 
Joe Manausa
Abby Stiller
Pat Champion
Dick Betts
Matthew Klinowski
Dee Toohey
Katina Hargrove
Jeffrey DiMuria
Charles Stallions
Fred Griffin
Capt. Wayne Rowlett
Silvia Dukes
Brandon … (29 comments)

wordless wednesday: Wordless Wednesday…There Are Cars, and Then There Are CARS! - 10/01/24 04:33 PM
Wordless Wednesday…There Are Cars, and
Then There Are CARS!
Larry and I love looking at classic, sports, and unusual cars.

We saw these outside of a breakfast place. There were several of them parked outside, waiting on their owners.  They remind me of the car Steve Martin drove in Father of the Bride. 

Then there’s the head-turner car. I’m not sure what it is or if it’s a kit but it made our heads turn. I could picture Cruella de Vil in it

And finally, as I was walking out to the car from the market, there was THIS CAR!

I couldn’t help but smile! The … (20 comments)

wordless wednesday: Wordless Wednesday…Worth It - 09/24/24 05:54 PM
Wordless Wednesday…Worth It
Try as we may, Larry and I don’t always have early starts to our walks. Usually it’s due to a late football or baseball game.  Between June through September, it can be in the mid to upper 80s before 7 am. If you’re not finishing your walk by 8 am, you’re going to cook!
This week we were rewarded for our early starts with some “worth it” sunrises!!!

Sunrises and sunsets are daily proof that the day can start and end beautifully, the rest in between is up to you. 
Kristen Butler

Every day, a million miracles begin at sunrise.
Eric … (20 comments)

wordless wednesday: Wordless Wednesday…Flap Those Wings - 09/17/24 02:39 PM
Wordless Wednesday…Flap Those Wings
While we have a few hummingbirds with us all year, we love migration season when all our feeders are heavily used by these beautiful flying creatures. 

Did you know? 
~Hummingbirds usually feed just after they wake up and in the evening before they turn in. 

~Hummingbirds sleep in protected areas and can enter a state called Torpor. This allows them to lower their metabolism, heartbeat, and respiration to conserve energy. 

~Talk about an appetite. Hummingbirds can eat up to half their weight in nectar and insects. They can consume their body weight in nectar or sugar water and 2000 insects daily. 

~Because of … (20 comments)

wordless wednesday: Wordless Wednesday…They Put the Wild in My Life - 09/03/24 04:53 PM
Wordless Wednesday…They Put the Wild in My Life
Today is National Wildlife Day so I wanted to share a few of the many wildlife photos I’ve taken over the years. 
 One touch of nature makes the whole world kin.
John Muir

Over the years, I’ve had fun photographing sunsets, sunrises, friends, family, flowers,pets, oceans, lakes, rivers, and wildlife.  I love being outdoors and discovering what animal I’ll run into! 

If we save our wild places, we will ultimately save ourselves. We don't own the planet Earth, we belong to it. And we must share it with our wildlife. 
Steve Irwin

And, when I don’t have the chance … (16 comments)

wordless wednesday: Wordless Wednesday…Belated Birthday Wishes - 08/27/24 04:46 PM
Wordless Wednesday…Belated Birthday Wishes
There are times when Mother Nature surprises you and presents you with a once-in-a-lifetime gift. 

This was the case on August 23, 2011. Those of us who were regular walkers at Green Cay Nature Center and Wetlands had been waiting for two months for the baby gators to hatch. 
And on that morning in August, we saw that most of the eggs had already hatched. But we stood there for 2 hours and filmed and watched in awe. 

Watch the video below to the end or fast forward it. The quote following it will make sense.

Always respect Mother … (16 comments)

wordless wednesday: Wordless Wednesday…Squatter Bat?  - 08/20/24 05:12 PM
Wordless Wednesday…Squatter Bat? 
This week we noticed a bluebird on our bluebird box.  That’s not all that unusual but mating season is over until next spring. We see them check out the box during the year but the bluebird was spending more time than usual at the box.

He would fly away, then return and take a quick peek inside the box. 
Larry decided to check out the box and look at what he found…

We left it alone. It wasn’t harming anything and I didn’t want to scare it and have it attack us. The bat was gone the next morning. 

And now, my … (20 comments)

wordless wednesday: Wordless Wednesday…Sunsets - 08/13/24 02:32 PM
Wordless Wednesday…Sunsets
Larry and I tend to see more sunrises than we do sunsets. It’s not that we turn in early but the way our home is situated, we are privy to only “portions” of the setting sun.. 
Last week we were in Lenexa, KS visiting family. As we were headed into a restaurant, I had to stop to take in this beautiful sunset. 

Clouds come floating into my life, no longer to carry rain or usher storm, but to add color to my sunset sky.
Rabindranath Tagore

When I admire the wonders of a sunset or the beauty of the moon, my soul expands … (18 comments)

wordless wednesday: Wordless Wednesday…Fairy Rings - 07/30/24 02:31 PM
Wordless Wednesday…Fairy Rings

Our area has had its share of rain, including a hurricane. Left in the wake are downed trees, creeks almost overflowing the banks, and lots and lots of mushrooms!
Mushrooms intrigue me. I am always photographing them. Last week something caught my eye that I’ve never noticed.

These are Fairy Rings or Fairy Circles! Isn’t that enchanting?!
However the reason for their being is not so whimsical.

“A fairy ring might start growing underground from a single spore. The spore sprouts a tangle of tube-like threads, which spread out horizontally in all directions, like spokes radiating from the hub of a wheel.”
I’d … (16 comments)

wordless wednesday: Wordless Wednesday…No Screens! - 07/23/24 01:42 PM
Wordless Wednesday…No Screens!
At a WCR function many years ago, the speaker noted the iPhone prayer. You know it…we’ve all done it. Looking out over the group, he saw heads bowed in what looked like prayer, but no, not quite. 

Many had their heads down looking at the screens on their iPhones!
Don’t say you’re not guilty!  We all are! However it is our children who were born into this that the need for concern exists. 
I wanted to share photos of young people we saw recently. They were out…doing something other than staring at TikTok or Video Games.
       We've seen these … (19 comments)





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