mortgage broker: I'm just gonna keep on blogging - 11/23/08 04:29 PM
So I finally got a constructive comment on one of my blogs.  This is good, as I thought that my blogs weren't 'featured' or 'professional' and travelled through the list pretty quick, being in the 'all' category, and would probably be ignored or missed by most.
Today I went to an open house with another realtor.  Probably wasn't the smartest thing, as it was Grey Cup Sunday here in Canada, and we had a grand total of one visitor.  For those of you in the US, the Grey Cup is the Canadian Football championship, and probably didn't have a large effect … (0 comments)

mortgage broker: Is advertising a total waste? - 11/20/08 07:09 AM
Ever feel like those advertising dollars are going to waste?  Are people prepared to purchase your product or to contact you to take the looking at homes after reading the first 6 pages of doom and gloom?  How about listing your home for sale in a market where nothing is moving, prices are plummeting and you would have to be completely off-balance to do so?
I do understand that some of these statements are true in some parts of North America, but the media is painting with a pretty broad stroke when reporting on current market trends and financial situations.  By … (2 comments)


Rob Laluk

Maple Ridge, BC

More about me…

Rob Laluk - The Mortgage Centre - Elder Mortgage

Office: (604) 931-4719

Mobile: (778) 688-6258



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