real estate: But I thought... - 06/03/11 08:43 AM
There are three words that are often used, misused, overused and abused.  Let's take them one at a time.  You will see that when used alone they are harmless.  The first word, BUT, could mean excuse me... in addition to... wait a second and could possibly mean more than we even care to imagine.  The second word, I, means me... no other word for that one.  I means me.   The buck stops here, so-to-speak.  And the very last word, THOUGHT, wow, now there is a loaded word if ever there was one.  Thought... think in the past tense... an idea that … (0 comments)

real estate: Remember... - 05/29/11 03:13 AM
Remember...  Remember...
Today is the day to remember.  Remember those who came and are now gone.  Those who were so much a part of our love and life. 
However, the holiday was really meant to remember those who died defending our freedoms.  Our very being depended upon the success of their plight.  The horror of war and death was all around and still they fought on so that we may enjoy the life we have today.
Today, Memorial Day, what are you doing?  Boating?  Picnicking?  Biking? Or, just staying home... remembering those who made you who you are today.

real estate: Oh What A Beautiful Morning... Oh What A Beautiful Day... I've Got A Wonderful Feelin... Everything's Goin My Way!!! - 05/14/11 07:03 AM
Wouldn't it be great if all of us would feel like the verse in the song, Oh What A Beautiful Morning?  The feeling that we would have would lift our spirits and allow us to soar each and every day.  The confidence that we would emit would be catching to all of those around us. 
If you don't believe this, just take a look around you and notice that when you are in the presence of a happy person, you too become happier.  It may not boost you to heights of euphoric proportions, but you will none-the-less, be a happier and … (5 comments)

real estate: Anticipation... Hope... Frustration... Disappointment. - 03/28/09 02:04 AM
Emotions are like the wind, they change regularly and with that change comes attitudes that can sometimes affect the decisions that we make every day.  Whether good or bad, our actions and decisions are usually the direct result of the mood that we may be in at any given time.
Have you ever worked with a client who, for whatever the reason, had mood changes that were so baffling that you didn't know how to react?  One minute they are happy and filled with anticipation on finding the perfect property only to have that happiness and hope turn into despair and frustration? 
I … (3 comments)

real estate: Hang On To Your Hats... - 03/25/09 01:15 AM
I am amazed at the amount of client inquiries that are surfacing of late.  The phone doesn't stop ringing and the amount of interested buyers are coming out of the woodwork.  I for one am extremely happy about the turn of events from a year ago. 
It seems that there are a number of reasons for this increase in buyer activity.  I, in my opinion, think the reason cannot be attributed to just one event, but rather to a combination of events.   Stimulus???  Perhaps.  Low interest rates???  Perhaps.  Lower prices on all existing inventory???  Maybe.  How about buyer and investor confidence?  … (8 comments)

real estate: Lender vs Lender... The Short Sale. - 03/25/09 12:48 AM
I recently was asked to set up a showing with a lead from RE/MAX Lead Street.  Our companies way to distribute inquiries from the Internet.  I was pleased to oblige and immediately called the Lister to set up the showing request. 
I was somewhat amazed to hear the response from the listing agent.  Seems the first mortgage holder has allowed this property to be marketed as a short sale.  There is a second mortgage on the property also with a very nominal balance owed.  The property has had several offers which, according to the listing agent, are all very good offers considering the circumstances. 
I was … (2 comments)

real estate: The Media and Panic - 03/08/09 03:12 AM
As I sit here watching "Meet The Press" this Sunday morning, I am amazed at some of the comments and verbiage that is being used in this economic crisis.  There are words such as:  Crash, Panic, Hysteria, Fear, Trepidation and many more that are causing to some degree, the current lack of confidence in our economic system. 
I have felt for many years now, our news media, as good and necessary as they are, have over the years Created the News rather than Reported the News.  And there is a difference. 
It reminds me of a story that goes something … (9 comments)

real estate: The Jitters... Do you have them? - 03/06/09 12:33 AM
With the ever increasing trauma in the financial world, there are more and more individuals who are beginning to panic.  They are pulling their money our of the market with standing orders to sell all of their stocks.   At least this is what national headline news is saying.
It is true that there is more concern and panic in our economy than we have had in a long while.  Another announcement is that GM may be filing for bankruptcy.  Just heard it 5 minutes ago.
I have always been a very staunch supporter of the free economic system.  Supply and demand … (5 comments)

real estate: A good day... A bad day. - 03/03/09 10:52 PM
Did you ever have one of those days when everything went your way and whoever you talked to or interacted with was positive?  Didn't that make you feel great?  If you are like I am, you probably became happier and in turn treated everyone around you differently.  You were more enthusiastic, joyfull and probably filled with anticipation. 
Happiness is contagious.  It sinks into our very being and the result of this is the feeling you give others. 
Just think if everyone around us were happy most of the time.  Just think of how we would feel and how we would then make all of those … (4 comments)

real estate: The Extra Mile - 03/03/09 12:13 AM
I have only been selling real estate for a little over six years now.  One might say that timing is everything and that my timing sucks.  LOL.  I got into a new career that has been on the decline ever since I entered this profession.  I never experienced any of the boom years that so many of you have had the pleasure of seeing and hope that before too long that I will see and enjoy the times that I know are ahead. 
I work with every client, prospect or inquiry as if they are going to buy their next home from me, … (31 comments)

real estate: It's Saturday. Do you know where your customers are? - 02/28/09 06:11 AM
The weekend is upon us and here we are.  Spending that much needed time relaxing, watching TV, wasting away the hours until that dreaded day, Monday once again passes through our life.
Is this how you feel?  Do you wish the weekend would never end?  Then, my friend, you are in a career that needs to be changed. 
Everyone of us is hopeful that the economy will take a turn for the better sometime during 2009.  It may and then again, it may not.  What are you going to do in the meantime? 
In a prior career, I found that my … (3 comments)

real estate: These Shoes are made for Walking. - 02/27/09 01:24 AM
Shoes...  how do yours look?  Are they new, old, stylish?  Tennis shoes, walking shoes, heels, flats, loafers or whatever?  Do they shine or are they dull, dirty, muddy, scuffed?
Now, I am the first to know that the economy is difficult today and that many of us do not have the money to purchase new items of clothing, such as shoes.  This is a given.  BUT, have you ever looked closely at people who you admire?  People who you may respect because of their success in the profession or occupation that they have chosen to be involved in?  Take a look … (11 comments)

real estate: What is the Temperature in your town? - 02/24/09 11:04 PM
There are a number of situations that are causing quite a stir in the real estate profession of late.  There are also the same number of situations that are affecting the auto industry.  Now, we cannot afford to listen to what is being said about the slow down in sales, the lack of bank financing, the mood of the buyer, the persistence of our sellers wanting more for their home than it is worth.
No...  we need to do business as usual.  We need to understand that all markets are not affected the same.  Some of us have experienced the best … (3 comments)

real estate: Condo's... what happened? - 02/24/09 12:37 AM
I live in the Mid-west and am located in Waukesha county.  Waukesha county has been blessed with numerous lakes and just as many golf courses.  It would make one think that the life-style would warrant one to consider a condominium home which would allow more free time for the recreation that is so prevalent in this area.
Why then, has the condo market seemed to have dried up?  More and more associations are becoming insolvent and many of the new condo projects are being turned back to the bank.  Now, the sales of these homes is subject to bank approval while prices … (4 comments)

real estate: Technology... Photography... Computers and PDA Cell Phones. - 02/23/09 06:35 AM
Look at all of the technology available to us today.  Never before have we been able to reach so many so quickly.  Just at the touch of a finger we can connect to anyone, anywhere. 
I have been reading some of the responses to my most recent blog and one in particular caught my attention.  Enough to write a few lines about what they had to say.
"Post as many photos on your listings as you can."   What words of wisdom.  Buyers are finding a lot of our inventory and the inventory of other Realtors on line.  Without the help of … (5 comments)

real estate: Fewer Agents... More Business. - 02/23/09 01:43 AM
We recently had a staff meeting in our office and were given the statistics from RE/MAX regarding the staggering number of real estate agents that have thrown in the towel.  While I feel bad for these individuals who couldn't or just didn't want to continue in real estate, I look at the opportunity that this is presenting to those of us who, for whatever reason, will continue to move ahead with their career. 
Opportunity is all around us.  Working smarter and not harder is where all of us should be going. This is true in any profession at this time.  Everything … (58 comments)

real estate: Business ... As Usual? - 02/22/09 01:38 AM
Newspaper advertising seems to be passe these days.  Very few people are showing up at open house lately.  Market is continuing to fall, maybe not freely, but fall none-the-less.
What is this all about?  Are we doing something wrong or are we just victims of our economy?   I think both.
I have been in this profession known as Real Estate for a little over six years.  I don't have the experience that many of you do when it comes to slow times in this business.  Many of you have already experienced times similar to these and are adjusting the best you … (0 comments)

real estate: How to prepare for the upcoming surge in real estate sales - 12/10/08 03:49 AM
Hello all.  Yes, I am a firm believer that the new year will create multiple opportunities in this business known as Real Estate.  We have seen the worst, I believe, and are ready for the surge of sales in the coming months. 
There are many reasons for this but the two that are most obvious are pent up demand and monumentally low interest rates that are about to surface next year.  The talk from the banking community is that a 4 to 4.5% interest rate scenario for a 30 year fixed rate mortgage are likely.  This coupled with the lowest home … (3 comments)

real estate: 1343 E Wisconsin Ave, Pewaukee, WI 53072 - 05/17/08 11:01 AM
This business mall has outstanding visibility and great traffic.  Only 3.5 miles from I-94. Building is zoned B-5 and would allow almost every type of wholesale and retail facility.  Only exclusions are heavy manufacturing.  7 parking slots guaranteed with numerous other parking available.  Units are 2500, 3750 and 5000 SF.  Can be leased at 5-9 per foot or purchased at $90.00 per foot. 

Can I help you buy or sell a building?  Please call me with any of your commercial real estate needs. 
Larry Stanul
RE/MAX Realty Center
262-751-1386  Then Wisconsin, Then Waukesha County, e-mail:   … (2 comments)

real estate: W228 S6954 Enterprise Drive, Big Bend, WI 53103 - 05/17/08 10:38 AM
This prime commercial 2427 SF unit is perfect for your business.  Propery has one bay and one dock entry from the rear and has 625 SF of office space buidout.  Office consist of 2 separate offices, one showroom and one unisex restroom.  The property is only one mile from I-43 and is an outstanding buy at $229,900.00

If I can help or assist you in any of your commercial real estate needs, please feel free to call on me.
Let my experience work for you and it will show!  You have my word on it.
262-751-1386 DIRECT  then Wisconsin, … (0 comments)

Larry Stanul, Larry Stanul (RE/MAX Realty Center)

Larry Stanul

Larry Stanul

Oconomowoc, WI

More about me…

RE/MAX Realty Center

Address: 357 W. Wisconsin Ave, Oconomowoc, WI, 53066

Office: (262) 567-2455

Mobile: (262) 751-1386

A real estate blog serving Waukesha, Washington, Dodge, Jefferson and Milwaukee Counties.



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