Fresno California Real Estate Market

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Real Estate Broker/Owner - Lazarus Realty
Information on the Fresno California Real Estate Market from Fresno's Foremost Blogging Broker -- Randy "Lazarus" McAtee Owner/Broker of Lazarus Realty.



I dont think this has been posted on AR yet. Watch this video of a Realtor getting caught violating federal law. Once she realizes she's been "caught in the act" -- after blatant lying and denial -- she submits a letter to her Broker stating she is retiring --->>> TRUTH = SHE FIGURES HER LICENSE ...
* State of California only * I sold a home last year and represented the Buyer. The seller's provided a 2 year roof certificate from a contractor recommended by her broker. Some problems developed with the roof and I contacted the Contractor (or so I thought) and he said that the Contractor under...
If you want to check a Realtor's license status in the state of California, its easy. Go to Then go down to where it says consumers and click the link which will take you this page. then go to where it says License Status Check and click Real Estate Salesperson, Broker or C...
Part IPart II (Story 1)BEWARE WATER DAMAGE:Story 2I had the house rented to tenants that for all intents and purposes were good tenants: rent paid on time; trouble free tenancy. When the tenants moved out I noticed a small leak in the bathroom at the shutoff valve under the stool.  The tenants ne...
 River Park Shopping Center in Northwest Fresno Friday night Oct 26 2007 at around 10:00 p.m. It was raining that evening so the combination of the wet walkways and neon lights was a visual feast. I didn't have my tripod.  Below is one of the pictures I took.  You can view a gallery of several of...
...well, maybe not. But Fresno California --- known to many as California's Poor Man's Paradise --- would be an excellent location for the pop diva to switch gears, slow down, and take time to smell the raisins. Britney, are you hearing me? For a couple of million dollars or less I can find you a...
Last Tuesday it was 85 degrees with sparkling blue sky in Fresno. The phones were quite so I hopped into my FJ Cruiser and headed for the hills to fish. Destination: Big Bear Creek. But on the way I passed through Shaver Lake which is only 45 miles and about a one drive from central Fresno.It had...
I HATE PITNEY BOWES!Trust me, I'm not alone. They have an Epinions Service Rating of 2 on a scale of 5.These Cranky Customers weren't happy either.  Here's another crying foul.No company has managed to waste more of my time with irritating phone calls and letters than Pitney Bowes.  For instance,...
Well, maybe you don't want to be, but you're in the position that I mentioned in Part 1 of this Series.Before you take the plunge, allow me to share a few stories with you: nothing fabricated; all TRUE.  How do I know? They are mine, and mine alone to tell JStory #1I get a call from  Susie (not h...
...its the path of least resistance.In my opinion the Federal Government and the loan industry would rather renegotiate all the funny money loans done over the last several years rather than investigate them -- because if they did investigate they would find so many  perpetrators of fraud our pri...

Randy "Lazarus" McAtee

Owner/Broker, Lazarus Realty, Fresno California
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