Has Lazarus disclosed that he is a Professor of Puppety? I love puppets and have my own puppet theatre.... so when I saw this video on YouTube I just had to share it:
Here are statistics provided by the National Association of Realtors that have been compiled into a legible format by an investor from another online forum I belong to : Sales Median Price Inventory Months(Millions) (Thousands) (Millions) Supply2004 5.958 $195.2 1.970 4.32005 6.180 + 3.7% $219.0
Go to the Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight (OFHEO) Website. They just released a report TODAY! This 89 page report is in PDF format and includes chart, graphs, and tables of housing data for states and every major metropolitan region. IT'S JAMMED PACKED WITH INFORMATION!YOU WILL
Part II Story 4 Story 5These two stories are being told together for three reasons: The properties were right next door to each other They both took place around the same time They were similar in nature I had a tenant that ceased making rent payments. No other problems, just no rent. I went t
Fresno CAThe Fig Garden located in Northwest Fresno is home to many of the big names in retail. Welcome to Fresno. Thinking of relocating to Fresno? Call me, let's do lunch in the Village. © Randy "Lazarus" McAtee Owner / Broker Lazarus Realty 559-301-1647 lazarusrealty@gmail.com
© Randy "Lazarus" McAtee Owner / Broker Lazarus Realty 559-301-1647 lazarusrealty@gmail.com
Fresno's Foremost Blogging Broker has his left hand in a cast and is lamenting has decided to take on the market AND the Blogosphere SINGLEHANDED. That's right folks!Just because I am unable to type at the speed of thought while my hand recovers doesnt mean I have to cease blogging. I AM HANDI
Fresno Real Estate Market. DESPERATE TIMES REQUIRE DESPERATE MEASURES.On Thursday (Nov 15, 2007) I received letter from my former broker, Guarantee Real Estate, where I hung my license from Nov of 2002 to May of 2006. The letter was signed (and I assume written) by one Brian K Cuttone, Vice Pr
The single most powerful tool a Realtor has for attracting buyers to their listings is the camera. High Quality Photography should be just one more way you distinguish yourself from the competition. If you want to take stunning indoor shots that wow both your clients and the buyers, you need thes
Sales Statistics for the month of October Down,Down, Down She Goes - and where she stops, nobody knows!It would be nice to be able to report an improvement in the numbers, but that's just not in the cards. The Fresno Market has a large (HUGE) supply of unsold inventory on the MLS which is only a