Ok folks, I'm going to share with you my favorite popcorn recipe. I am a HUGE fan of popcorn. I LOVE popcorn and a good movie. I don't consider myself a popcorn connoisseur but I do favor Orville Redenbacher's Gourmet popcorn and my wife buys it in those 8 lb canisters. Now mind you, I realiz
or How Google Maps and Satellite Images Helped MeA few years back I purchased a vacant lot in Goose Lake Estates during a Modoc County tax lien sale. Goose Lake is Northern California right on the Oregon border. In fact, the lake is something like 2/3 in California and 1/3 in Oregon. Its a very b
Children’s Hospital in Madera California is truly one of the gems of California’s Central Valley. The hospital is perched right above the San Joaquin river basin just north of Fresno on hwy 41. I’m not a doctor or a hospital analyst but my layman’s guess is that this is truly one of the best - i
Yesterday morning I decided to do something out of the ordinary, the ordinary being that Sunday mornings I usually attend liturgy at St. Peter the Apostle Orthodox Church here in Fresno Ca. I packed up my camera and went downtown thinking to shoot the city hall (and did just that) and then went
One of the basic tenants of Orthodox Christian faith comes from the Psalms:"God is the Lord and has revealed himself to us" Theophany - refers to the revelation or "shining forth" of God on earth. When Jesus Christ was baptized the Spirit of God descended up him in the form of a dove and Father
I remember seeing one when I was young and not knowing what it was. "What's this?" I asked. "A shoehorn" was the reply. "What's it for?" "It helps you get your shoes on."How fascinating, something that was designed to help one get their shoes on when all you really need to do is stick your foo
Bush considering $800 tax rebate to boost US economyHow is $800.00 per family going to prop up our economy? It sounds totally ludicrous to me. Don't get me wrong, its not like I cant use $800.00 (who cant?) but how will my spending $800.00 rebated to me from the governement, whose financial co
OK , Maybe they dont dazzle you but today I thought I would practice on taking wide angle shots. I posted a capture that I got yesterday but it was done hand held and rather hastily processed. Today I got out my tripod and took my time taking these captures. This dining room is only 14.5 ft w
I am working on some wide angle shots and trying to get some semblance of equality between the screen resolution on my mac and a PC. Does anyone else have this problem? when I Photoshop the pic on my mac it looks reasonably decent but when I view it on a PC its considerably darker and with great
I am marking today’s date, January 14th 2008, as the official beginning of the recession. I’m certain it is because just a little while ago I was headed to Starbucks to buy some coffee for the office and just when I would have turned left to go into the SBUX lot I turned right instead and went i