With the rising price of gas I believe many Americans will be spending more time at home. You might as well enjoy your yard! It just so happens my oldest son is a landscape artisan. Last night I went to a home in the Tower District to take some pictures of his latest workmanship. The homeowners
These cactus are in our back yard and I just had to take a crack at time lapse exposure. It was fun. The flowers bloomed a lot quicker than I thought they would so instead of one exposure every 2 minutes I could have done them every minute or 30 seconds.
Just prior to clicking the shutter I said "WHO'S YOUR DADDY?" and this is what I got. This is what I had above for several weeks and I had changed my profile pic to this: paper mache Punch and Judy puppets made by Lazarus
Here’s what’s wrong with America. Watch this video about a couple who lost their home to foreclosure and are now living in a campground and tell me if you hear what I hear. recap: The gal says they walked into that home and said “…. we can get this for $265,000 - NO MONEY DOWN? OMG!!!” I’m going