Fresno California Real Estate Market

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Real Estate Broker/Owner - Lazarus Realty
Information on the Fresno California Real Estate Market from Fresno's Foremost Blogging Broker -- Randy "Lazarus" McAtee Owner/Broker of Lazarus Realty.



Lazarus Realty recently represented a lender in the sale of a bank owned property and for all intents and purposes you can just throw out the rule book when conducting these  transactions.  I forwarded a disclosure package to the lender and NEVER got a response.  Not all of the disclosures that I...
There is a  Renaissance Festival today and tomorrow at the St. Paul Newman Center in Fresno.  Its a fairly LARGE event and its FREE!  The Newman Center is located at 1572 E Barstow.  Its on the north side of the street between Millbrook and Cedar - YOU CAN'T MISS IT.  There is something for every...
...The police helicoptor flying overhead in circles above my FJ cruiser was issuing a command through a bullhorn as my oldest son and I were talking to each other yesterday in the late afternoon.  We didnt have a clue as to what was going on but we KNEW we were the only ones in a yellow SUV in th...
Direct: Fax: 559.301.1647 559.438.7475 Website Visit My Blog email 1319 W Bullard #4 -- Fresno CA -- 93711 _______________________________________________ Median Home Price for California Homes as of AUG 8: $350,140 Highest priced homes were in Santa Barbara @  $930,000 Lowest priced homes were ...
I went up to Huntington Lake over the weekend and passed through the foothill town of Auberry where I got these pics.   Personally, I'm at ONE with the Hillbillies. I have a daughter and son-in-law who live in Prather (next door to Auberry). If you are interested in buying property in the Fresno ...
Here are the 24 hour market stats for the Fresno California Real Estate Market: Its fairly a apparent from the stats (as in Price Reductions) that prices continue to decline but you have to understand that many of the listings with price reductions were WAY over priced to begin with and either th...
  A good friend of mine just purchased a cabin in Huntington Lake (photo left). NO, I did not participate in the transaction; he bought the property for-sale-by-owner directily from the owner. From what I know of the transaction though, it appears he got a screaming good deal. This weekend a grou...
The Royal Bank of Scotland This Irishman just became a shareholder.  I think the stock is going to either go up or down from here.  I'm betting UP.  Wish me luck. update:10/09/2008: Thanks to an upgrade by S & P I sold at market open for 20% gain. I will consider buying back in when the stock ret...
I think this might help folks to understand the current financial crisis.  I realize its only pointing fingers at the Democrats.  So in the interest of being a "fair and balanced" Ponkeyderm I think its fair to say that I wouldnt put too much trust the elephants to guard the peanuts.
So, I booted up today as usual and prepared myself to make some trades but the red on my screen wouldnt stop and the overall economic picture is so obscure that when the market was down around 800 points and I shoulda been been scooping up some shares my butt puckered up so tight ---  --- I found...

Randy "Lazarus" McAtee

Owner/Broker, Lazarus Realty, Fresno California
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