I just read this article: Freddie Mac to rent foreclosed properties AMAZING! It's totally understandable that they would take this route. I showed a house on Tuesday that was only a couple of years old and theives had taken the stove and hood, oven and microwave, dishwasher and cabinets. It's
...While the taxpayers are forking over billions to bolster to their balance sheet. I know that there are some of you who think this is absolutely atrocious. JUST PLANE DESPICABLE if you give an executive a GOLDEN PARACHUTE … ….he will need a nice new corparate jet to bail out of. Direct:
Who doesnt? "They're givin' money away for free.... Save a little bit for me...I WANT SOME TARP..." I saw this video this morning and it brightened up my day. Hopefully -- it'll do the same for you :) Buying or Selling in Fresno CA? Contact Lazarus @ 559-301-1647
Let me preface this video by saying that I didnt vote for Obama but I am glad he won and he will have my prayers. I DID vote for Bush and like many others am NOT pleased with the job he did. I see nothing but problems ahead though if the folks who elected our president cant show some class.
THEOPHANY? At least for Old Calender Orthodox Christians, such as myself. Old Calendar Christians use the Julian Calendar while Western Christians (and most of the rest of the world) use the Gregorian Calendar. For Western Christians Theophany was January 6th. For those of you who don't know wh
Do you have what it takes to save our country from the current economic crisis? Under my oversight of TARP funds the nation is well on its way to recovery (I achieved a repectablly high score). If you lack economic acumen you can just "ask Greenspan." See how well you can do. CLICK HERE TO PLAY
We recently returned from a road trip to Butte Montana. Approx 1122 miles each way from Fresno. IT WAS COLD IN BUTTE. I really enjoyed my time there, only wish I could have stayed longer. Highlights of the trip: I took my first walk in ZERO DEGREE weather. Being a native of California I experi