.... so says an article in today's Fresno Bee. And its true, and I have to admit that I have been behind the curve on market reporting but hope that will change. Its actually difficult to blog all that you would like when you're busy transacting business. Don't get me wrong, I haven't been THAT
This is a follow up to a recent blog I wrote about the Tarangini Indian Dance that was performed in Fresno CA on May 2, 2009. I only shared 2 pictures but now I have an entire gallery of images from the dance performance. CLICK HERE TO VIEW Direct: Fax: 559.301.1647 559.438.7475 Website Vi
The Associated Press recently released a map measuring the amount of economic stress being endured by each county in the nation. CLICK HERE TO VIEW As you can see, All of California has been hit hard and Fresno is no exception. Direct: Fax: 559.301.1647 559.438.7475 Website Visit My Blog e
Why the National Association of Realtors would hire the most prominent architect of the Housing Bubble to speak at their midyear meeting is totally beyond me understandable: they want to hear some someone "talk their book". Greenspan certainly has the credentials. His management of our nation's
From Mortgage Business to Pole Dancer....another very depressing video on the housing bust. CLICK HERE TO VIEW
In Feb Bloomberg reported -- A record 19 million U.S. homes stood empty at the end of 2008 and homeownership fell to an eight-year low as banks seized homes faster than they could sell them. They also said: the report counted 4.1 million vacant homes for rent and 4.8 million seasonal properties.
Not long ago I blogged about the ducks that took up residence in our pool. Shortly thereafter my wife found an egg at the bottom of the pool. Apparently their nest was not far from the pool (probably hidden in the bushes) because this morning I went out and saw mamma duck with her ducklings.
Here's the latest on the California Housing Crunch. Bankrupt builders are leaving their creditors with nearly finished homes. The banks, already upside down in the deals no they can never recoup their losses so the demolish the homes as you see in this video below. Unfortunately the demolit
Saturday at Sunnyside High School. The event was sponsored by the Central California Cultural Society of India. I was under the weather all last week with a cold or allergies and on Saturday I finally felt well enough to get out and do something so I browsed the Fresno Bee online and found the
... and you thought this was just a podunk hick-town full of raisin farmers. NOT! According to the latest statistics released yesterday by the Department of Finance Fresno's population grew by 10,578 people in 2008. That was enough to bump the city up over Long Beach and make it the fifth larg