Lisa's Real Estate Home Blog

Real Estate Agent - Heather Roda Broker
My blog is about Real Estate and the Community. I want to offer a positive outlook on life and learn as much as possible. In Real Estate there is always something new.I love where I live and feel so blessed to be able to raise my family here.Visit my web site at www.centralCAliving for more information. I'm always looking for ways to better serve my clients and I welcome all advice. Join my blog group at



Enjoy the stars at night and the View by day. Drive by and see this large lot on a Paved Street. There are a few homes on this street . Mls #179576 This Lot is 2.4 Acres in San Luis Obispo County. The owners have another lot nearby they are  selling. They are now listed at $10,000 each. The Calif...
Price reduction on Alpine Road in California Valley in the county of San Luis Obispo, CA .Perfect for those star filled nights! Imagine the possibilities! Beautiful scenery and wildlife. Off of Highway 58. Photos of the area, not a guarantee of the property lines.    1.93 Acres, $10,000 mls# 1795...

Lisa Long

local_phone(805) 610-4314
Contact The Author
I'm a full Service Real Estate Agent. On my blog you will find everything Real Estate and Community. I'm available for questions and our office does a high volume of Short sale and Bank Owned properties.