staging: Smells Can Turn Buyers Away at the Door - 06/20/18 06:02 AM
Debbie Reynolds  hits the nail on the head with this blog.
Clean Clean Clean, and  when in doubt, clean again...
A few shallow dishes of vinegar with a paper towel in it tucked away in a room ( AFTER cleaning , not in lieu of)
will absorb some of the toughest odors, like lingering fried foods.
A house with an odor will result in lower $$ offers.
Smells Can Offend a Buyer, Even Perceived Good Smells

When listing a property, listing agents want the seller to put the home into the best shape possible to attract the biggest pool of buyers. Agents have to be bold and … (2 comments)

staging: What is Home Staging? Your Questions Answered [Lake Mary, Florida] - 06/27/14 06:48 AM

Sometimes the Realtor shouldn't be the person giving advice on staging.  Marie from Foxy Interiors does a great job explaining why her services are so important!
As a home stager in Lake Mary, Florida, I find it interesting to ask random people their interpretation of home staging.  The following are a few of the responses.  Decluttering, yea, decluttering; making the house all nice, neat and pretty for buyers to take a look.  Home staging is that stuff they do on HGTV before the realtor comes.  It’s tidying up, putting stuff away, and then putting a for sale sign in the yard.  … (1 comments)

staging: Declutter what ? - 05/31/14 01:34 AM
One of the most common suggestions Realtors give Home sellers is to "declutter/depersonalize".
Some of the more common phrases used are:   "It will make the room look larger, " "Buyers want to envision their families there, not yours"    "With all the knick knacks and collectibles, it appears you dont have enough storage"
This is a not always true..
While lots of  Living space clutter is sometimes difficult to see past, its seldom a reason the home doesnt sell... more buyers are turned off by closets /cabinets and overstuffed garages..
When a Seller needs to declutter/depersonalize,  suggest they first  pack up unused items from ALL the closets, … (2 comments)