Become a Neighborhood Real Estate Photo Expert – As a Virtual Assistant, I work with many Top Producing Real Estate Agents and they all have one thing in common – they are neighborhood specific. Being neighborhood specific not only shows their expertise but often times can catapult their websites...
I am very sad to see picnik leaving us. I for one, have been using it for years. I am currently trying out this new replacement for picnik, and have to say, I am impressed. It's a great alternative, especially to those of us who do not like change. Bye Bye Picnik and Hello ...
As a Virtual Assistant, former Tennessee Real Estate Agent, by choice ( that's another blog ), I work with a lot of professionals. From Home Stagers to Home Inspectors, Real Estate Agents and beyond. It is very often that I have a FSBO contact me to assist them in marketing strategies, whereas I ...
Blog marketing is not all that hard if you know what you are doing. However, if this is your very first blog and you are wondering how to get readers to it then you are in the right place. First let me just say that marketing your blog is going to require patience, and being consistent. You will...
Tips For Achieving Your Goals, Whether Short or Long Term : Do you have long-term projects with short-term expectations? If you do, that is a sure path to frustration and failure. Lifestyle and business goals such as exercise, healthy diet and money, more clients, etc, have to become habits in ...
38 Random Acts of Kindness - Balloons to Heaven ! This year, so many people that I hold dear to my heart, have taught me more than they could ever imagine, through their strength and their loved ones. So many have had to endure what no person ever should. From parents, grandparents, brothers, s...
I am reblogging this post in hopes that our Active Rain Family will offer their support, love and prayers to the Caulk family. Missy Caulk has been an inspiration and friend to many of us throughout our journey here in the rain. Bob Stewart, brother in law, of Jamie Caulk has been our sounding bo...
When I was 16 years old my parents decided it would be best to move us from the only place I had ever known, New York to Florida. As a teenager you can venture a guess I was pretty mad. I did everything but cooperate. It was my life and who were they to take me from my family and my friends ?For ...
Here in Crossville TN the stage is set for you. We are the place you have been looking for. Just off of I- 40, Crossville TN is conveniently located to Nashville, Knoxville and Chattanooga. Why is Crossville TN the place ? For starters, the area is home to Tennessee's famous vacation resort, Fair...