loan modification: Obama Plans and Impact on Loan Modification - 05/11/09 12:33 AM
President Barack Obama has introduced a $75 billion homeowner relief program for the distressed homeowners.The plans pertain to mainly 2 different segments of homeowners :-
Homeowners who have a conforming mortgage and have not fallen behind.These homeowners might very well qualify for a lower rate refinance. Homeowners who have a subprime loan (ARM) ,may be able to qualify and get their payments modified. Now what does it mean for Loan Modification Companies :-
In view of Obama's homeowner relief program ,they now have a increased prospect base of people who might very well qualify for a refinance or loan modification … (0 comments)

loan modification: Adword VS Active Rain and new inclusion Wannanetwork - 11/07/08 09:47 AM
OK ...continuing with my last post ...on the discussion as to which one of the above mentioned is more cost effective ...i got one more insight....I spoke with few people who have been doing SEO for loan modification ...and they mentioned me ..about .Acccording to them Wannanetwork forum povides more traffic in organic search then the other two.
So instead of coming to a standard ....i m now more confused regarding the best way to generate leads for loan modification .




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