beverly hills plumbers: Los Angeles Plumbers Repair Clogged Drains To Avoid Complications Later
- 03/17/09 03:49 AM
Plumbing repairs in Los Angeles must be taken care of right away. Your home or commercial building has a main sewer line that connects with the municipal sewer line near the street. If water backs up, this means there is either a clog in the sewer service line, floor drain line, or drain trap. The professional plumbers and technicians at Schuelke Plumbing can determine the exact cause of the problem. If the clog is located in the sewer service line it could mean that the line is clogged with tree roots or other debris. When the blockage occurs at more than (0 comments)
beverly hills plumbers: Los Angeles Plumbers Recommend Trenchless Sewers
- 03/14/09 06:48 AM
Most homes in the greater Los Angeles area are more than 40 years old, meaning that they typically still have galvanized pipes. If you have been considering having your sewer lines replaced, you may have heard about trenchless sewer replacement. The way it works is that an insertion and retrieval pit is dug, allowing the trenchless bursting head to be inserted into the old sewer pipe. A heavy cable is then pushed through the pipe from the retrieval pit and a special hydraulic ram is attached to the cable. This pulls the bursting head through the old pipe. Simultaneously, new polyethylene (0 comments)
beverly hills plumbers: Do It Yourself Plumbing Repairs in Los Angeles
- 02/28/09 01:01 AM
Trying to save money by doing your own plumbing repairs? Regardless of how the economy is doing, many people prefer to do their own home repairs. They may wish to save money, or simply enjoy working on their own home or other property. But repairing your own plumbing systen may be best left to the professionals. Maintaining your plumbing system requires more knowledge and experience than you may realize at first. Even if you have some skills in this area and have the right tools and safety equipment, repairing plumbing is best left to the professionals. The plumbers have Schuelke Plumbing (0 comments)
beverly hills plumbers: Beverly Hills Plumbers Recommend Seasonal Checkups of Your Plumbing System
- 01/04/09 11:07 AM
Schuleke Plumbing, the Beverly Hills 'plumbers to the stars', recommend checking your residential or commercial buidling's plumbing system on a seasonal basis. Even though the climate in the Los Angeles area is mild, that doesn't mean you shouldn't check your plumbing system on a regularly. Making sure everything is in working order and running at an optimum level will help you to prevent a plumbing crisis in the future. Doing this quarterly is often enough to know what is going on with your residential or commercial plumbing system. First, do a visual inspection to check for any water spots or other signs (0 comments)
beverly hills plumbers: Beverly Hills Plumbers - Leaky Pipes Must Be Repaired By A Plumber
- 12/21/08 02:45 AM
Leaky pipes in your residential or commercial property must be repaired immediately. While you are waiting for the plumbers at Schuelke Plumbing to arrive, there are a few things you can do to reduce the risk of further damage from the water. If you can hear the sound of the water, follow it to its source. If there is already a water stain, it may mean there is a leak in a section of the pipe. The wall stain is likely to be below the actual location of the leak, so we will probably need to remove part of the wall (1 comments)
Jim and David Schuelke, owners of Schuelke Plumbing, provide answers to your questions so that you can give expert advice and recommendations to your clients.