earthquake shutoff valves: Install Earthquake Shut-Off Valves If You Live in Southern California - 12/20/09 03:16 PM
Here in southern California we must be prepared for earthquakes at all times. During the past six months Los Angeles has had two minor earthquakes. While we are all aware that this will occur from time to time, many of us simply do not have all of the necessary precautions in place. One of the best precautions you can take is to have earthquake shut-off valves installed.
Schuelke Plumbing recommends that you have this system installed in your home, as well as in any commercial property you are responsible for. These shut-off valves will help to prevent explosions after an earthquake measuring … (0 comments)

earthquake shutoff valves: Los Angeles Plumbers Install Earthquake Shut-Off Valves - Are You Prepared? - 01/15/09 02:39 AM
Are you prepared when the 'big one' arrives? During the past six months Los Angeles has had two minor earthquakes. While we are all aware that this will occur from time to time, many of us simply do not have all of the necessary precautions in place. One of the best precautions you can take is to have earthquake shut-off valves installed.
Schuelke Plumbing recommends that you have this system installed in your home, as well as in any commercial property you are responsible for. These shut-off valves will help to prevent explosions after an earthquake measuring 5.4 or greater on the … (0 comments)


Jim & David Schuelke

Los Angeles, CA

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Schuelke Plumbing

Address: 7243 Woodley Ave., Van Nuys, CA, 91406

Office: (800) 431-1095

Jim and David Schuelke, owners of Schuelke Plumbing, provide answers to your questions so that you can give expert advice and recommendations to your clients.



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