economy: Scorecard on the Economy
- 10/09/08 02:08 PM
What grades would you give: - Henry Paulson, for forthrightness and foresight? - Ben Bernanke, for leadership and ability? - Nancy Pelosi for honesty and ethics? - Henry Waxman for integrity and values?
I am doing a straw poll on this, and am interested in your take on thinigs. My best to you all, Lou Farris (1 comments)
Ohh, and as a reminder, Bill Clinton pushed 8 years very hard to make evefry American a homeowner, which is part of the reason for the mess we're in. (0 comments)
economy: Bailout Blues - Have You Seen The Dow Today?
- 10/06/08 04:13 AM
The bailout passed, and look at the good it did. The markets opened another 500 pints loawer, and continued to take a nose dive. Is there something I have missed? Wasn't the bailout supposed to shore up the economy and restore market stabililty? Forgive me if I am skeptical, but so far I can see a return to 1987 levels for the Dow. In fact I have been saying the market would make a major correction for the last couple of years. Sadly, we are approaching the 9500 level I thought we would floor at. however, it looks like confidience is (0 comments)
economy: The Voters Were Heard - NOW WHAT???
- 09/29/08 10:15 AM
The measure to rescue private industry was defeated. There are a lot of emotions around this issue, to be sure, and these are running high. We are in an election year, and this further exascerbates the issue. The leaders in the House and Senate showed their true colors today, and although the measure was defeated, they had to admit that the plan that was presented was not a sound or truly workable plan. The Fed, and Treasury DO NOT need such overarching power, and we do not need socialism in the country anyway. The Constitution guarantess that our RIGHT, to pursue (0 comments)
economy: Fuel Prices and Their Effect On Markets
- 08/10/08 04:26 PM
I'm not sure how this is affecting your business, but it is something i am looking at. With fuel prices shooting from $3 to $4 I am a lot more careful about when I drive to preview or show. I work to control costs, and this is a cost that is important to control. Last year I still covered 10 counties. This year I had to make a hard decision, and cut back to 5. I may yet cut things again, and really sharpen my focus in a much more tightlly defined market area. Historicallyl, I ahve not thrown money at (6 comments)