upgrade your septic tank: SEPTIC TANK REPLACEMENT WITH UP TO 100% GRANT IN ST MARY'S COUNTY MD - 06/27/13 11:56 PM
In the past SEPTIC TANK REPLACEMENT IN ST MARY'S COUNTY MD has been supported by grant  money.  The program involves the upgrading of septic tanks, called Onsite Sewage Disposal Systems(OSDS), to include the installation of a Nitrogeon Reduction Advanced Treatment Unit (ATU).  The goal is to reduce the amount of nitrogeon that goes into the Chesapeake Bay.
The program now called CLEAR WATER - The Bay Restoration Grant Program, has improved. 
Residential Property Owners can benefit if their income is less than, or equal to, $300,000!
There is a priority list but failing, non-failing and non-conforming systems, both inside and outside the Critical Area … (0 comments)