alaska wasilla palmer real estate home: Why Should You Buy A Home In Wasilla or Palmer? - 04/11/09 03:43 AM
You get more house for your money…that’s why!
Anyone who shops homes in Anchorage and then comes out to the Valley can see that there is a significant difference in prices. I thought I would quantify it so that you know how much more of a home you get in the Valley compared to Anchorage.
I narrowed the Valley down to the Wasilla and Palmer core area. This excludes most of the land mass of the Matanuska-Susitna Borough but includes at least 80% of the population. If I would have included the whole borough the contrast would have been even … (1 comments)

Marty Van Diest, Your Alaskan Realtor (Valley Market Real Estate)

Marty Van Diest

Your Alaskan Realtor

Wasilla, AK

More about me…

Valley Market Real Estate

Address: 680 Wildrose Circle, Palmer, AK, 99645

Office: (907) 373-0999

Mobile: (907) 232-7900

An online description of real estate in the Matanuska Susitna Valley of Alaska. Includes statistics about real estate, and off subject articles about local places and people



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