mazziotti: The 56 Hour Open House Is Back!!! - 07/11/10 08:16 PM
BEND, OR: In March of 2009 Exit Realty Bend principal broker and franchise owner, Jim Mazziotti,held the first of it's kind open house in Bend, Oregon!
While Mazziotti credits Kye Grace, a former Realtor in Vancouver B.C with the idea,Mazziotti took the idea to a new level and is thought to be the first ever in the UnitedStates to present his open house using the world's "virtual doorstep, " as he puts it.
So, Mazziotti found a bank owned house to use for his event.  Next he brought togetherevent sponsors like a local internet providor,Bend Broadband;  a local mattressmanufacturer, … (1 comments)

mazziotti: This Open House Will Bring Over 2000 People Through Your Door! - 03/30/09 08:08 PM
  I was inspired, its that simple.  So I followed my gut on this one.
On January 23rd I was surfing the net, as I often do on weekends.  I found the rest....well, you get the drift.
So here is this guy from Vancouver B.C. doing this 72 Hour Open House.  Interesting idea.  Mostly alone, Kye Grace, performed his open house for 72 continuous hours.  He ate, slept and greeted visitors who stopped by his open. This was different because he had visitors walk through the house, as ordinary open house visitors often do.....and he greeted them LIVE on the Internet … (3 comments)

mazziotti: First Ever LIVE 56 Hour Open House - 02/27/09 10:41 AM
Houdini strapped himself into a straightjacket and hung upside down off the roof of a building where 50,000 people watched him escape is 1916. People have been rolling over Niagara Falls in barrels for decades, walking across tightropes between buildings for years and celebreties like David Cooperfield have summoned the attention of millions by performing spectacular illusions that overwhelmed, stunned and entertained.
Jim Mazziotti, the principal broker and franchise owner of EXIT Realty Bend, located in beautiful Bend, Oregon, has done none of the above. Although he works to dazzle his clients with customer service and creative marketing techniques to get their homes sold, he is far … (3 comments)

mazziotti: YOU WILL NEVER SEE THIS ON THE NEWS - 08/23/08 05:44 PM
  The Story of Kalat
This picture of the statue below was made by an Iraqi artist named Kalat, who for years was forced by Saddam Hussein to make the many hundreds of bronze busts of Saddam that dotted Baghdad. This artist was so grateful that the Americans liberated his country, he melted 3 of the fallen Saddam heads and made a memorial statue dedicated to the American soldiers and their fallen comrades. Kalat worked on this night and day for several months.
To the left of the kneeling soldier is a small Iraqi girl giving the soldier comfort as he … (10 comments)

mazziotti: NAR Statistics Show Which Franchise Is The Fastest Growing Franchise! Wow! - 08/16/08 11:46 AM
I recently took a few minutes to read through a recent National Association of Realtors comparison study of residential real estate franchises.  The numbers were a bit surprising, although I had a feeling of what is happening in the real estate business and the growth of franchises in America.
You see, I am a franchise owner and principal broker of EXIT REALTY BEND, located in Bend, Oregon.  My company opened just 21 months ago.  Perhaps like you, I had the option to open an independent office or choose any one of some two dozen real … (6 comments)

mazziotti: AR POLL - Is Your Real Estate Sign Invisable? - 06/04/08 04:39 AM
  Does Anyone Really See Your Sign?
I have a theory about that. Before I start I would like to give you some numbers to set the stage, so to speak.
I own an EXIT office in little ol' Bend, Oregon....population...ummm.....about 75,000. In our greater metropolitan area we have 2224 ACTIVE residential listings, 56 multi-family, 5 farm, 929 land and 85 investment /income property listings. That's about 3300 listings.....and MOST have signs in front or on the property somewhere. Would you agree that that is a lot of SIGNS?
When you drive around the Bend community you will see, like many … (8 comments)

There is little question, in my mind anyway, that it will be vital for most of us in the real estate business to be ready to tackle the business of SHORT SALES and REO LISTINGS soon.  I understand that there are many who have already placed themselves in an excellent position to lead the way in a new and profitable way for real estate agents to stay in the business...and I am ready to do what it takes to get busy.
Here in Bend, Oregon, we are just now beginning to see both short sales and REO listings increase in the … (15 comments)

mazziotti: What Would You Do? Goofus or Galant? - 03/14/08 05:06 PM

So...what would you do?  I just have to know.  Here is the story line.
One day a Realtor named Matt showed a property to his Buyer.  It just so happens that during the showing the Seller was on the property and overheard the enthusiasm the potential Buyer seemed to have.  The Seller did stay out of the way and allowed the Buyers Agent and Buyer take their time.  After 30 minutes or so the Buyers Agent and the Buyer got in their car and left. The Seller was hopeful that an offer would be forthcoming.
The next day the Seller called his Listing Agent and … (5 comments)

mazziotti: FREE Real Estate Services for BUYERS! - 02/10/08 06:57 PM

Many BUYERS do not realize that the services of some of the very best, highly trained, responsible and professional real estate agents is FREE. Really. FREE!  Let me explain.
If you are considering the purchase of real estate there are several options you have.  You can search the MLS in your area, contact numerous real estate agents or drive the streets looking for signs posted.  You can look in newspapers, pick up real estate magazines and spend time on Craigslist.  You can spend hours trying to find the perfect property.
The better way is to locate an ACCREDITED BUYERS REPRESENTATIVE.  Also know as an … (0 comments)

Bend Oregon is a beautiful place.....and thousands of people from across America are finding their way to Bend.  Statistics show that Bend ( around 78,000 ) is still seeing one of the fastest growth patterns in the western United States.  It is no wonder, really.  The city and the region has fantastic and stunning beauty. Where else can you live and be within a few hours of the Pacific, 20 minutes from one of the finest ski mountains in the country, enjoy miles of running and biking paths, fish in a world-class environment....and of course live in … (2 comments)