james e meyer: Are you crazy to be buying a house in Solano County California?
- 11/29/11 10:17 AM
Are you crazy to be buying a house in Solano County California? So you want to buy a house in Solano County California and people are telling you that you are crazy. The market is depressed and it will only get worse, right? Sure, and then it will get better. If you know the exact minute that the market will hit bottom and can predict the exact minute it is going to take off again, then wait! Otherwise , this is probably a pretty good time to buy.
If you are buying a home that you are going to (2 comments)
james e meyer: Looking for a home in Monte Rio California
- 11/11/11 05:07 AM
If you’re looking for a home in Monte Rio California, I would love for you to check out this listing. There are currently only a few homes for sale in Monte Rio under $350,000. Once the economy picks up, we will be looking back at these as the “good old days” when you could buy a home in Monte Rio for under $350,000. This used to be a bed and breakfast and who knows, maybe it could be again. We recently listed 19108 Church St. for only $319,000. This is a four bedroom, four bath, home with 2 kitchesn (0 comments)
james e meyer: Buying a house in Fairfield California , how do you get started?
- 11/11/11 01:58 AM
Buying a house in Fairfield California , how do you get started? Not too long ago, a few other real estate professionals and I got together and put on a seminar. We called it “How to buy a house without going insane. “ It was a very informative event and everyone who attended learned a lot. The only problem was that not very many people attended. It occurred to me that I know a lot more about how to help people buy and sell their homes than I know about how to attract people to a seminar. So I (0 comments)
If you are looking for a fixer-upper in Santa Rosa California for less than $200,000, you have a few choices. Unfortunately a lot of these homes are short sales and foreclosures.
If you do not want to wait around forever for a short-sale approval and you do not like having to deal with a bank selling you a home, you have only a few choices.
As of this writing, one choice is: 3357 Hoen Avenue in Santa Rosa, listed at only $190,000. There are (2 comments)
james e meyer: Looking for a home in Fairfield under $120,000?
- 11/10/11 03:43 PM
Looking for a home in Fairfield under $120,000? So you are looking to buy a home in Fairfield California and you don’t want to pay a lot, but you also don’t want something that is falling apart or trashed? Why not look at a condo?
There are only a handful of condos in Fairfield listed under $120,000 that are a decent size and I would love to show all of them to you if you like. Or I can send you a list and you can drive by the complexes and let me know which units (2 comments)
james e meyer: Homes in Winters California for under $150,000.
- 11/10/11 03:29 AM
Homes in Winters California for under $150,000. If you’re looking for a home in Northern California, the town of Winters in particular and you don’t want to buy the most expensive home in town, you might want to take a look at this. There are currently only a few homes for sale in Winters under $150,000. Once the economy picks up , we will be looking back at these as the “good old days” when you could buy a home in Winters for under $150,000. We recently listed 701 Valley Oak Drive for only $144,000. This is a three bedroom, (0 comments)