land: Reduced flood plane and reduced insurance rates in Yuba County, CA - 08/25/07 02:46 PM
Portions of Linda Removed from 100-year Floodplain Posted 7/27/2007
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has just released a Letter Of Map Revision (LOMR) that has removed portions of Linda from the 100 year floodplain (Flood Zone "A"). This new LOMR may reduce your flood insurance rates; we recommend contacting your insurance provider for details on their requirements.
Yuba County Public Works has more information available

land: Double Dress For Your Clients? - 04/28/07 09:09 PM
Has anyone found themselves in the situation where they have had to bring an extra change of clothes so that when you go to town you change out of your country, land roving clothes, into your realtor, professional, in town attire? Or do you just leave it alone and accept your look of the day? I have had many situations where I am completely dressed down due to walking properties in the hills and I'm in the office with jeans and boots. I am completely comfortable in my skin, but I know how important our appearance is. How have you handled … (24 comments)

Michelle Roland (Phil's Locksmith)

Michelle Roland

Sacramento, CA

More about me…

Phil's Locksmith

Address: Sacramento, CA

Office: (530) 870-7787

Mobile: (916) 247-3182



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