Arizona Home Loan Info

Mortgage and Lending - SUNSTREET MORTGAGE, LLC (BK-0907366, NMLS 145171) - NMLS 223495
Experience colors expectations.  The listing said "Cozy One Bedroom, Great Privacy, Safe Neighborhood."The listing agent was a Cactus Wren with impeccable credentials.  She was, after all, the State Bird of Arizona.  She had experience building nests herself, and knew for a fact that this one she...
 Listening to Seth Godin at 4:00 a.m. I'm an early riser most days.  Early morning hours are a time when the only interruption comes from my own overactive brain.  Yesterday morning was such a time.  I was listening to Seth being interviewed on Behind the Brand with Bryan Elliott, and one thing h...
Early is the most beautiful time of the day!  I'm up earlier than most, and with my iPhone, the workday fits into my love of Arizona photo ops.It was 6:00 A.M., and my phone went "DING."  I looked at it, and read:The status of loan number 1010008589, for Jane Doe (not her real name) and is curren...
You never know what a face-to-face meeting will bring, and this meetup did not disappoint! Who knew, for instance, that Tony Marriott's sister Jody WROTE, DIRECTED & PRODUCED the movie West of Thunder? (Click the link to see the trailer.)Brian England chose a great venue for the meetup--MAD Green...
It's about relationships.One of the things I like BEST in my  current chosen career as a Mortgage Banker (my fourth, after teaching, homebuilding, and national sales manager for a high tech international manufacturing company,) is having unscripted/no agenda interaction with REALTORs, especially ...
Shout out to Allie Angeloni for putting this Active Rain meet-up together for the second year in a row!  Tony and Suzanne Marriott  made the trek down from Phoenix to join us, and it was great to catch up.  Suzanne is front right in the photo; Tony is on the left.  Behind Suzanne is our Marana Ne...
Interested in one of these homesites for your Tucson home?  We can do construction-permanent loans, all inhouse at SUNSTREET Mortgage, LLC. Villa Milano Homes at Rancho Sin Vacas in North Tucson Foothills Imagine the security of a manned, gated community, singular mountain views, twinkling city l...
Prickly Pear Jelly, ActiveRain, and The Value of Connections Had the pleasure of sharing lunch with Mike Jones with Sunstreet Mortgage on Tuesday this week.  I have enjoyed working transactions with him in the past, and look forward to future endeavors.  When I got the message through LinkedIn a...
 June is the hottest month in beautiful Tucson, and it started off with a bang this year.  The first week of the month is matching and setting new daily records.  The middle of the month will bring in the Monsoon Season, and the summer rains will be welcome across our beautiful, parched desert.Ci...
A friend of mine just left the Real Estate Business because her business wasn't producing the income she had expected.  She wasn't getting referrals.It got me thinking about what it takes to leverage connections.  So I started a few new lists.  (Mom taught us that when we write things down, good ...

Mike Jones

Mike Jones NMLS 223495
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