market update: December 2024 Market Update for Northern Colorado - 12/12/24 10:28 AM
Hi everyone,
Merry Christmas! I hope you and yours are enjoying the holiday season.
Here is the latest market update for Northern Colorado. I highlight market trends and what mortgage rates are looking like. Did you know which loans generally give you the lowest mortgage interest rate? The government backed FHA and VA loans have an average rate of 6.16% and 6.18% respectively. They also require the least amount for a down payment. If you’re thinking about buying next year, these are good options to consider to help keep a little more money in your pocket.
Let me know if you have any questions … (1 comments)

market update: November 2024 Market Update for Northern Colorado - 11/14/24 01:05 PM
I hope you are enjoying the Fall. A lot has happened in recent weeks, including the election. While this evokes a range of emotions, I thought it important to see what typically happens to the real estate market after an election. To help us understand this, I review historical research from past elections that show us what we might expect.  The results may surprise you and may give some insight as to when you should make your next move.
Also, I review the National Association of REALTORS (NAR) Annual Profile of Home Buyers and Sellers. Their research gives us some interesting information about … (1 comments)

market update: October 2024 Market Update for Northern Colorado - 10/15/24 08:30 AM
The Fall market is well under way.  With it, we have the headwinds of an upcoming election and the ongoing matter of affordability here in Northern Colorado.  However, rates dropped significantly during September, even to the low 6% range.  This sparked some increase in market activity as the data will show but I think we'll need to see rates in the 5% range before a significant increase in activity will be seen.
Click here to watch the market update.
Click here to listen to the market update via podcast.
In this episode, I review the most recent data and give insight into how the … (0 comments)

market update: September 2024 Market Update - 09/19/24 02:02 PM
I hope you are doing well!  The school year is well under way as is the football season.  The Aspens are starting to change color so make sure you plan a Fall Color Tour in the next week or so.  The leaves are already starting to change in Rocky Mountain National Park. 
We are getting into the Fall market with many variables impacting how the market is trending.  On the positive side, we have lower mortgage interest rates, about 6.15% for a 30-year fixed rate mortgage right now.  We also have the ongoing issue of affordability that impacts a lot of would-be … (1 comments)

market update: April 2024 Market Update for Northern Colorado - 04/11/24 09:22 AM

We are into our Spring market in the real estate world.  In this episode I cover the most recent data in a year-over-year and month-over-month format so you can see how the market is trending.  We do have some headwinds as we get into our Spring market, including higher interest rates and higher home values.  Despite the impact this is having on affordability, the market is remaining stable.  This is mostly due to home buyers and sellers that are doing what they can to make things work for their needs.  In this episode, I also cover the most recent inflation data, … (3 comments)

market update: March 2024 Market Update for Northern Colorado - 03/22/24 02:22 PM
Spring is upon us and the market is starting to pick up some steam.  This episode is short and sweet and gets right to the data.  I highlight which part of our market is showing more signs of activity than the others.  I also review where mortgage rates are at…back below 7% again.  
Questions or need help getting ready to buy or sell?  Get in touch for free consultation so that you are ready for your next move.
Sean, 970-313-6706

market update: February 2024 Market Update for Northern Colorado - 02/15/24 01:48 PM
February 2024 Market UpdateHi everyone,
I hope you all are doing well!
The Spring market is upon us now that the Superbowl is over. But how has the market been trending through the winter months?  Are we seeing significant changes?  I review the Year-over-Year and Month-over-Month data to help you see how the market is responding in light of the current state of our economy. I also give insights into whether or not you should buy or sell a home in our current market conditions. 
If you or someone you know is thinking of buying or selling, let me help with evaluating what the next best … (3 comments)

market update: January 2024 Market Update for Northern Colorado - 01/18/24 11:19 AM

I hope you are all doing well and that 2024 is off to a great start. 
Here is the latest market update for Northern Colorado, covering Boulder, Larimer and Weld Counties. As we’re heading into the Spring market, are you ready? If you or someone you know has a goal or even a faint interest in buying or selling a home this year, the best chance will likely be during the Spring market. Now is a good time to evaluate your circumstances to see if it is the right time for you. In this episode, I highlight the most recent data so … (1 comments)

market update: 2024 Market Forecast for Northern Colorado - 12/29/23 09:07 AM

What does 2024 hold for the real estate market in Northern Colorado? Is 2024 a good year to buy or sell a home? I review the data compiled from the MLS and from the Colorado Business Economic Outlook put out by the Leeds School of Business at University of Colorado Boulder to show what likely lies ahead so that you can make the best decision moving forward.
About the author: Sean Gilliam is a real estate agent with LoKation Real Estate in Northern Colorado.  Sean can be reached at or by phone at 970-313-6706.  For additional content see Sean’s Youtube channel … (1 comments)

market update: December 2023 Market Update - 12/14/23 10:17 AM
The market has been fairly stable overall with small changes but nothing like the escalated market we had in recent years.  With higher interest rates and the resultant decrease in demand, there has been downward pressure on home prices.  However, just in the last two days things have changed, at least in regard to interest rates.  They dropped to the low 7s and as of 12/14, they are at 6.82% and trending lower.  How will the market respond?  Are these rates low enough to significantly increase buyer demand?  Time will tell…
In this episode I’ll take the usual look at how the … (1 comments)

market update: November 2023 Market Update - 11/08/23 01:18 PM

Click on the image above to watch on YouTube.
Click here to listen via podcast: Real Estate on the Front Range - November 2023 Market Update
Now that we have some data going into the Fall market, what are we seeing? There is some variation across the Front Range but overall the market is stable. In this episode I cover the market data for Boulder, Larimer and Weld Counties. I also highlight the average sales price of homes in different communities along the Front Range to show you what you get for your money. I cover interest rates, of course. They topped out … (4 comments)

market update: October 2023 Market Update - 10/12/23 12:21 PM

market update: September 2023 Market Update - 09/15/23 11:13 AM

Is the real estate market going to crash or is it stabilizing? In September's market update, I highlight the local data to help us interpret what is happening in our market. I also discuss the inflation rate and current mortgage interest rates.
To watch the update, click on the image or here.
Don't forget to subscribe to my channel for notifications on new updates and other content!

market update: August 2023 Market Update for Northern Colorado - 08/18/23 09:59 AM
August 2023 Market Update for Northern Colorado
The housing market seems to continue to be in the doldrums. Inventory is lower than usual, yet homes are staying on the market longer. What is behind this unique housing market we're in? Mortgage interest rates. In this episode I'll explore where rates are likely headed, what the foreclosure rate is and housing affordability. 
Would you buy or sell a home in these market conditions? Why or why not? Leave your response below the video on my YouTube channel or contact me directly. 
Don’t hesitate to get in touch with any questions or if you need help with … (2 comments)

market update: July 2023 Market Update - 07/19/23 08:06 AM
Many variables are impacting our housing market. Overall, compared to last year, the housing market in Northern Colorado is stabilizing. No major changes in one direction or another. I think many buyers and sellers are holding off due to higher interest rates and some uncertainty with regards to the economy. There are buyers and sellers out there moving forward but it seems more people are in a wait and see mode. What will change that? When mortgage interest rates get below 6% and stay there for a while. Hopefully, if the experts are correct, that will happen by years end.
In … (1 comments)

market update: June 2023 Market Update - 06/15/23 12:29 PM
While there has been a drastic change from last year at this time, we are seeing a milder trend developing in our most recent market. I cover the changes year over year and month over month so that you can see how the market is trending. Want to know what is happening to the inflation rate? I cover this and how it impacts mortgage interest rates.
I also address foreclosures, something that may be impacting you or someone you know. While overall there isn't a significant increase in homeowners being foreclosed on, if it is happening to you or someone you … (2 comments)

market update: May 2023 Market Update for Northern Colorado - 05/15/23 11:32 AM

The market in Northern Colorado is stabilizing and seems to be in a holding pattern.  With the anticipation of a potential recession and the impact of inflation, many would be sellers are holding off.  While the inflation rate continues to trend downward, it’s not enough to boost consumer confidence.  In this episode, I review the latest data and highlight mortgage interest rates, inflation data and discuss the valuation notices we received from our county assessor’s office and how I can help you.
Thanks for watching and don’t hesitate to get in touch if you need anything! 
About the author: Sean Gilliam is a … (0 comments)

market update: April 2023 Market Update for Northern Colorado - 04/19/23 01:42 PM
We're getting into the Spring real estate market.  In this episode I discuss the latest data, comparing year-over-year and month-over-month statistics so that you can see how the market is trending.  I highlight the current average mortgage interest rates and give a forecast as to which direction they will likely go in the latter half of the year.  
Questions or need help with real estate?  I'm here to help you make the best decision moving forward!
About the author: Sean Gilliam is a real estate agent with LoKation Real Estate in Northern Colorado.  Sean can be reached at or by phone at … (2 comments)

market update: March 2023 Market Update for Northern Colorado - 03/16/23 07:29 AM

We are a couple of months into 2023 and now we can start to see some potential changes in the market.  In this episode, I review the local market data as well as point out the inflation rate and recent changes in mortgage interest rates, with a forecast of what we can expect later this year.
Here is a link to my recent blog post, Mortgage Rates-Where Are They Headed, that takes a closer look at what causes mortgage rates to fluctuate and which metrics give us an idea of where things are headed.
About the author: Sean Gilliam is a real estate … (9 comments)

market update: February 2023 Northern Colorado Market Update - 02/15/23 11:54 AM
As we get into 2023 and after reviewing market forecasts, many are wondering what the real estate market will actually do.  In this episode I highlight what is happening in the market by the numbers as well as what is happening out on the street.  I also cover the market shift from last Spring until now, using charts that will help you to see how rising mortgage interest rates are impacting the real estate market.

Sean Gilliam, Real Estate on the Front Range (LoKation Real Estate)

Sean Gilliam

Real Estate on the Front Range

Longmont, CO

More about me…

LoKation Real Estate

Mobile: (970) 313-6706



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