plr: We Asked Ourselves the Same Question
- 07/11/13 02:37 AM
Doesn't it seem like every community has someone — a broker or salesperson — who just is the one who seems to have the Internet figured out. Certainly that's what happens in small towns. Their name pops up whenever anyone queries about real estate in the community; their blog and their home page shows up more than anyone else’s whenever a search for ‘listing agents’ or ‘homes for sale’ (or anything else about local real estate) is being looked for. The question we asked ourselves is HOW do they become what seems to be the local expert? Especially since there are many other (0 comments)
plr: It's Staylight Davings Time!
- 03/12/13 01:53 AM
For those of us who always feel a little creeped out when it’s pitch black outside long before we head home (even when work ends early), it’s worth losing an hour’s sleep in order to nudge the sunset back a little.
They say Benjamin Franklin thought the idea up, and I don’t doubt it. Anyone who, like Ben in his Poor Richard days, scribbles away the daylight hours in cramped little rooms with only a dictionary or two for companionship, applaud messing with the clock if it means we won’t have completely wasted what little daylight there is. (0 comments)
plr: News Flash for a Desert Island
- 01/09/13 01:20 AM
ON MONDAY, every Realtor® who has spent the last four years stranded on a desert island would have been astonished by the news!
It came in the form of a release from the National Association of Realtors® and Google, who announced the results of a wide-reaching joint study. It was of interest primarily to the castaways, since every working professional in the real estate industry who has not been cut off from civilization already knows the conclusion:
Online real estate searches have been growing in volume!
The number of real estate searches grew 253% over the past four (3 comments)
plr: Like Your Own Private Label Wine; Here are This Week's Blog Tips
- 11/27/12 01:35 AM
RealtyPLR's weekly “ghostwriting” blog service is a little bit like a jarred pasta sauce --one that mom doctors with her special touch before serving. Or a private label wine produced with your name on it.
The articles are the quickest way to get blogging and stay blogging ... the key to attracting the leads that lead to real business.
Here are this week’s tips from our editor:
Advantages and Pitfalls for Mortgage Co-Signings Editor's Note: “Buy a home” is a heavily coveted search term. We’ve combined it here with the niche topic “mortgage co-signing” to help attract potential first-time home buyers (or (3 comments)
plr: EMDs Get Punched by Google's Panda
- 10/23/12 10:26 PM
THE PANDA in question isn’t nearly as cute and cuddly as the ones you see contentedly munching bamboo leaves. This is the one that is the code name for Google’s active algorithm – the top secret code the search engine giant uses to determine what list of pages appear when users type in ‘houses for sale in Kalamazoo’ or ‘listings in Peoria.’ This Panda has attitude: it can maul an innocent website it doesn’t like in a flash. It is good business practice for Realtors® to avoid offending the Panda. In fact, you’d better try to feed it whatever it wants! (1 comments)
plr: Cutting Off Your Nose (to spite your Facebook)?
- 04/18/12 01:09 AM
YOU DON’T HAVE TO LOVE SOCIAL MEDIA to make your peace with it/them. But just turning your back and walking away from it/them isn’t a very good idea either (hence my title). Unlikely as it seems to anyone over the age of 30 -- illogical as it may seem -- the social media advocates are truth-tellers: Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and their cousins are POWERFUL marketing tools that fetch actual authentic bite-the-nickel OMG it’s real! real estate business. ActiveRain itself is a social medium, although its value explains itself better than something like a Twitter -- which at first glance seems (2 comments)
plr: Google's Newest Eye-Opener: More Than Just Caffeine
- 01/05/12 02:53 AM
Yup. It’s the Freshness Algorithm, announced late last year on the official Google website. It’s one of the 500 or so changes they make every year to keep everyone coming to them first whenever they search for anything.
In case you haven’t had that first cuppa yet, that was no misprint. 500 changes a year, They have buildings full of bright techies working day and night to keep us all off balance.
Last year they finished perfecting their “Caffeine Web Indexing System” which they modestly described as allowing them to “crawl and index the web for (6 comments)
plr: Charlie Sheen: Top 5 Lessons We All Can Learn
- 04/25/11 01:03 AM
Charlie Sheen is still on the road, headed to Houston to milk the last ounce out of what for most of us would have been an extremely humiliatiing series of personal embarrassments. The top-rated TV star may be an abhorrent example of personal deportment, but man! does he know how to wade headfirst into a tsunami, grab hold of the first uprooted lemon tree he sees, and immediately set a new record for promoting lemonade futures. There are many, many lessons to be learned from Charlie's last 60 days, and I'd love to hear everyone else's personal favorites. But here are my current Top Five, in reverse order of importance: (4 comments)
plr: Your Territory Is Your Ace in the Hole!
- 04/08/11 02:01 AM
The large amountof otherwise productive time spent in pursuit of high placement on the SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages) is done for good reason. Strong SERP placement is the virtual equivalent of "location location location" in the real world. Or having yard signs on corner lots all over town. Only unlike our traditional storefront or signage placement choices, we can't count existing competitors within an X-mile radius so we can do intelligent budgeting. On the Internet there may be thousands (or hundred of thousands) of existing competitors, with more thousands apt to make an appearance out of nowhere. That's why it's (0 comments)
plr: Tail Is Wagging Google!
- 03/24/11 08:21 AM
This is a tale about a tail -- and it's no short one. Last month, when Google's main Spokesgoogler Matt Cutts reemphasized the search giant's renewed efforts to help "higher quality sites to surface for long tail queries", he wasn't talking about searching for monkeys. The "long tail" in question doesn't belong on some long-tailed macaque: it's a Search Engine Optimization (SEO) term, This kind of "long tail" is what you key in when you google something like "houses for sale in Dubuque, Iowa" instead of just "houses for sale". The longer a search term is, the longer its tail...and this (0 comments)
plr: Laptop Video & Food for Thought
- 03/22/11 02:31 AM
I finally have to admit surrender. After years of successfully avoiding watching any TV or movies on cramped computer screens, I've found myself increasingly having to do so -- usually after forgetting to record a show on the DVR. People like me have a fondness for BIG screens, not tiny monitors. But lately I've come to notice how many pieces of view-worthy video are only available on the web, especially the short, controversial (frequently hilarious) ones. Real estate web impresarios, there is a lesson here. Not that video is utterly essential - I don't believe that's true. The well-made residential tour is a powerful tool, for sure, (1 comments)
plr: Betting the House (on Google)
- 03/18/11 04:46 AM
Nothing against games of chance -- I enjoy a hand of blackjack now and then as much as anyone does. I even used to enjoy an occasional tug on a one-armed bandit (but that was before they turned them all into ATMs). Nonetheless, since I never bet enough to make it feel even slightly dangerous, you wouldn't call me a true gambler. That puts me in the same category as 95% of the rest of America. That's probably why it is so maddening for anyone with their own real estate web site: suddenly they find themselves in what seems to be (4 comments)
Have you ever wondered why some websites show up at the top of search results and yours...well...doesn't?
The short answer is their website is likely fresher than yours.
The long answer is PLR.
Welcome to the PLR world of GhostBlogging. We offer a monthly subscription to researched, SEO- and GEO-optimized blogs for our clients to use as their own for $39.95/month. Our private-label articles are an effective blogging tool to help anyone in the real estate field looking to increase leads, boost online credibilty, and close more deals.
We also offer a 30-day FREE trial for ActiveRain users if you follow this link: