homeowner tips: Winter Energy & Cost Savings Tips - 01/26/11 12:15 PM
Save Energy This Winter 11 Ways to Cut Energy Costs in 2011  
 1. Turn down the dial. Set your thermostat to 68 degrees. With each degree you lower, you can save 2-5% on heating costs. Layer warm weather clothing while at home and you won’t even notice the difference. At night or when leaving the home for an extended period of time, lower the thermostat to 55-60 degrees. An automatic thermostat will make this even easier! Just program the temperatures based on your daily schedule. Doing this will knock off 5-20% on your heating bill.
2. Don’t overreact to a … (3 comments)

homeowner tips: 7 Lawn Care Tips for the Summer Season - 07/17/10 07:00 AM
For Your Clients: 7 Lawn Care Tips for the Summer Season By Stephanie Andre RISMEDIA, July 17, 2010—The summer is officially upon us. And what that, comes weeds, bugs and, of course, more time needed to tend to your lawn. Here, learn how you can make the most of the season with these summer lawn care tips: 1. Proper watering and water conservation is important at any time of year, but particularly when heat and a lack of rain lead to water deficits and drought. 2. Evaluate your lawn regularly for signs of irregular color and texture. These can be signs … (1 comments)

homeowner tips: Tips to Winterize Your Home - 12/05/09 04:22 AM
Article courtesy Jennifer Berry from Earth911.com
Published on November 30th, 2009
Winterize Your Home by Jennifer Berry
No matter if you’re bundled up in Des Moines or hitting the beach in Miami, ensuring your home isn’t wasting your hard-earned cash through inefficiency is a must-do, especially during the winter months.
You may not know it, but your home is probably leaking a lot of that climate-controlled air that you’re paying so much to create every month.
Before your thoughts of “not my house!” get too loud, chew on this: The average, unweatherized U.S. home leaks air at a rate equivalent to … (2 comments)

homeowner tips: A Little Help for High Winter Bills - 12/01/09 09:45 AM
Timely help for high winter bills Try these seasonal solutions Cold weather. Dark days. Holiday celebrations. Houseguests. These are just a few of the things that can trigger higher energy bills this time of year. But we have some low-cost and no-cost ways to fight back — without sacrificing comfort or holiday cheer.
Heating Likely your biggest energy cost during winter.
Set heat to 68 degrees (60 degrees at bedtime or when you’re away). Check furnace filters every few months and clean or replace as needed. Hot water Holiday houseguests and parties mean more showers, dishes and laundry.
Set your water … (0 comments)

homeowner tips: Start Green-A-Tizing your home! - 02/17/09 02:21 PM
According to the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Americans spend more than $160 billion a year on energy. This energy-used to heat, cool, light, and otherwise keep our homes running smoothly-represents about 21 percent of the nation's total energy use. However, our impact could be smaller. Take the time to implement even a few of the following energy-efficient improvements, and the results could cut your total energy consumption by up to 30 percent.
Drive safely-and not just when baby's on board. Any aggressive driving (speeding, rapid acceleration or hard braking) wastes gasoline and lowers … (1 comments)

homeowner tips: Tax Credits for Home Improvements? - 11/20/08 11:10 AM
What energy-efficiency home improvements qualify for energy tax credits?
If you're considering making any energy-efficiency improvements to your home or shopping for a new appliance, it pays to look into state and federal energy tax credits. A tax credit reduces your tax bill, making it a little easier to fit energy improvements into your budget.
These credits are offered to encourage more people to adopt energy-efficient technology, which saves energy, helps the environment and increases our energy independence.
State Oregon Residential Energy Tax Credits are available for a wide variety of measures, including:
Clothes washers Dishwashers Refrigerators Certain heating/cooling systems, including … (7 comments)