advertising: List Anything For FREE.............
- 05/19/11 06:22 PM
Hey everyone! I just wanted to share a great site with you........... it's a wonderful site and has a lot of traffic. You get great exposure, find great products and services and most of all it's FREE! Why not go and see what you can buy, sell, trade, and offer! it's a great site! It protects your identity and guards you from spam mail and scammers! Go there and check it out! Buy what you want and sell what you don't!
Mohammed S. Sider (1 comments)
advertising: FREE ADVERTISING..............
- 05/02/11 01:28 PM
Why pay for advertising when you can go to do post your ads for FREE! One can also choose to browse the site and buy and sell the things they want. At they are updating their site regularly and from the looks of things they are well on there way to the top. Enjoy it as it will be around for a very long time. Buy what you want sell what you don't!
Mohammed S. Sider (3 comments)
advertising: Just to let you know.........
- 04/29/11 05:39 PM
Hello everyone I just wanted to let you all know that is a great site to advertise your products and you can even list your services. is an awesome site it even protects you from spam mail and keeps all of your information private unlike craigslist or backpage goes the extra mile and keeps you and your identity safe and secure!!! Tell one tell all is the best way to promote your business and or buy and sell your goods. Buy what you want sell what you don't!
Mohammed S. Sider (5 comments)
advertising: It worked for me...........
- 04/26/11 04:31 PM
Hey all I just wanted to pass on and how it worked for me. First I went to the website just mentioned and then I easily browsed their user friendly website and then bought a few things that I liked. Just that simple, and of course when I bought something I then went back to the website and then created a user name and password and listed a car to sell and sure enough I SOLD MY CAR!!! It's a great website!!! Share it with your friends. The other thing is you can list services to provide as well, (6 comments)
Not sure if you heard the good news....but is a great way to advertise all of your unwanted items you may have laying around the house or apartment for FREE!!! It's a great site to visit whether you want to buy, sell or even provide a service to others! Go to and get started. It's easy, fast and most of all it's FREE! Buy what you want sell what you don't!
Mohammed S. Sider (8 comments)
advertising: One click closer............
- 04/20/11 03:39 AM
Want your business to gain more traffic, views, sales, exposure, recognition??? Then you're only one click away!!! Just go to and sign up if you don't already have an account and you're on your way to the above mentioned. Whether you want to post an ad or service can do that for you. You can also just browse the site. Buy what you need sell what you don't. (4 comments)
advertising: FREE FREE FREE................
- 04/19/11 11:19 AM
Advertise for FREE with it's fast, easy and most of all it's free. Whether you're posting things for sale, or have a service you wish to provide with blithernet you can do it all and again for FREE!!! You can even find what you need on the site too! It's great especially when you have to pay NOTHING!!! It's always better when it's FREE! Buy what you want and sell what you don't! Please pass it on, and most of all enjoy!
Mohammed S. Sider (3 comments)
advertising: Post your ads FREE...........
- 04/18/11 06:29 PM
Posting your ads usually costs, but with post any and every ad up to 5 cities FREE! Whether it's a service ads you want to post or just something you want to sell or even buy can do that for you and yes it's FREE! Log on it fast, easy, and most of all it's FREE! Buy what you want sell what you don'! Be sure to tell your friends!!!
Mohammed S. Sider (5 comments)
advertising: Offering FREE advertising...........
- 04/18/11 04:22 AM
Yes that's right go to and post whatever you have for sale for FREE! You can post services too! Such as Plumber, Electrician, Lawn care, Tutoring, Fitness consultant, etc..... With you can enjoy posting your ads for FREE and see your sales start to flourish or your company start to expand, and you can never go wrong with FREE advertising! So what are you waiting for go to and buy what you need and sell what you don't!
Mohammed S. Sider (0 comments)
advertising: Blither away.....................
- 04/17/11 05:30 PM
One of the best things one can do for their business is to advertise. Advertising is the best way to generate traffic to ones business. It can be very costly but yet profitable! It can help you succeed but yet you can too fail! Don't be fooled that your business will succeed the more you spend on advertising either! But one thing is for certain.....Blither away with it's easy, fast, and most of all it's FREE!!! You can never go wrong with free advertising! You're in a win win situation! So what are you waiting for??? Log on and (0 comments)
- 04/16/11 12:13 PM
Hey y'all just wanted you to know that advertising with can gain you great exposure on whatever you choose to sell or buy. Blithernet has been gaining tremendous exposure thanks to you all posting your ads on the website and with the more people posting ads or services the better it is for all of us as we can benefit both on the buy aspect and sell!
Mohammed S. Sider (6 comments)
advertising: FREE ADVERISING.......
- 04/16/11 03:41 AM
List your ads for FREE on It's fast, easy and most of all it's FREE. Have a home you want to sell post it on the site. Have a car you want to sell list that too. Have many things you want to get rid of post those items as well! Buy what you need and sell what you don't!!! it's fast, easy and again it's FREE!!!
Mohammed S. Sider (4 comments)
- 04/15/11 01:11 PM
Just wanted to let everyone out there know that you can advertise for free on! Whether you're advertising your home for sale or selling a car or even have a service to offer such as lawn care or automotive is definitely for you! Log on and check it out it will be well worth it. Buy what you need and sell what you don't! (3 comments)
advertising: Visions of the
- 04/15/11 10:14 AM
We all know that advertising is costly, but when it comes to we're on the prowl with the best service by protecting your identity and keeping spammers away and most of all it's FREE! It's easy to set up an account or if you just want to surf the site and shop you can without one. Many love it but many have yet to hear of it, that's where you come in.....word of mouth advertising!!! Find what you need and sell what you don't! is the vision of the future with FREE advertising and services!
Mohammed S. (5 comments)
- 04/15/11 04:27 AM
Go to and post all of your ads for FREE! Whether it's selling your home, car, clothes, tools, collections, cell phones, etc. allows you to do so. You can also post services such as real estate, home improvement, health and beauty, cleaning, legal services, etc. allows you to do so for FREE! So what are you waiting for??? Buy what you need sell what you don't.
Mohammed S. Sider (7 comments)
advertising: Everybody needs a break...........
- 04/14/11 07:56 PM
Tiered of paying to much for advertising? Tiered of paying to much for gas?? What about your Mortgage??? Well I got good news go to and advertise for FREE, find a cheap car or sell your home and buy a cheaper one or just rent. :) Whatever you choose to do can assist you!!! It's that simple....Find what you need and sell what you don't!!!
Mohammed S. Sider (2 comments)
advertising: ADVERISE FOR FREE.........
- 04/13/11 06:21 PM
Hey everyone go to and start advertising your belongings there for FREE! Many of us pay for such a service but at just click your state and city and you're on your way to more exposure and hopefully more sales. is a great site to gain exposure on all your products and services! Take advantage of it and be sure to tell your friends,!!!
Mohammed S. Sider (7 comments)
advertising: Sales can skyrocket!!!
- 04/13/11 05:16 PM
List with and get more views and see your sales start to skyrocket! Many of us have 100's of items at home laying around the house doing nothing but gathering dust! Why don't you just take that junk and post it on as the saying goes, "One mans trash is another mans treasure." Post every unwanted item on and turn that trash into CASH!!! It works for me as it can for you, and all I ask in return is to tell your friends about!!! Find what you need and sell what you don't!
Mohammed (4 comments)
advertising: POST YOUR ADS FOR FREE........
- 04/12/11 05:38 PM
Posting your ads is FREE on Gain a lot of exposure in your area by listing your item(s) in your city and it always helps to tell others about because if they hear of it they in turn list there items and a domino effect occurs because of the mass people who start posting and viewing their ads on Word of mouth is the best form of advertising. So tell one tell it's nationwide! Lets get the word out. Thanks!
Mohammed S. Sider (2 comments)
advertising: Share your ads on
- 04/12/11 01:29 PM
Hey everyone not sure if you heard but is a great way to share your ads with locals in your area for FREE! Just go to and post your ads, whatever it may be. It's an awesome website that caters to ones needs whether it's advertising homes, cars, clothing, electronics, tools, cell phones, etc.... Let everyone know about it's a great place to do free advertising and getting more views! is a FREE site to advertise so take advantage of it!