prices: Pricing Waterfront Property on Hood Canal is Local - 04/11/18 10:58 AM

I was asked yesterday at #BelfairWindermere, “On Hood Canal, what is the cost per linear foot of waterfront?” This is the old-school way of determining the value of a beachfront property. It worked well for a while when most houses were similar and vacant land when available, but both of those conditions have changed. The number for years was $5000 per foot but for those who still like to know, here is the calculation.
On the horizontal section of Hood Canal, that part beyond the Big Bend, we sold 32 homes. Throw out the most expensive and the least expensive, you find … (20 comments)

prices: BELFAIRWINDERMERE.COM proves Mason Waterfront Sellers have advantage - 02/18/18 02:06 PM
From Mason County, WA comes statistics at showing Olympic Peninsula waterfront prices comparisons of 14 different beaches on Puget Sound.
King County buyers can go anywhere in the Puget Sound to live the Washington waterfront experience. Some go north but the calmer, more protected waters of the South Sound is the “E” ticket. Why do they come to Mason County? PRICE.
Yes, kayaking is better on calmer waters & yes, our mountain views are unmatched & yes, Hood Canal is warm enough for swimmers but in the end, larger homes on bigger lots for less money - just getting more for your money is very attractive.
“You say it’s … (19 comments)