•1. When shopping for a lender, compare not only interest rates, but other related fees and charges, as well. Lenders should provide this information so you can make comparisons.•2. Consider requesting a credit pre-approval decision from your lender. It will determine how much you may b
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July 13th, 2007 - Blackhawk, CAFriday the 13th is viewed by some as an ominous day, a day of superstition and mysticism. Not for 15 lucky college students who have already begun their quest for higher education. At an awards ceremony for the Contra Costa Association of Realtors (CCAR) Scholarsh
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Check out these affordable homes that may be eligible for Down Payment AssistanceCome back weekly for updates.Last Updated 7/10/2007For more information on these properties contactNate Ellis - 888-808-NATE (6283)or email Nate@CAHousingBlog.com PriceCityBed/BathPsbl AstAddressBrokerageListed By$1