home: Does Your Home Have the 'Blues'?
- 12/05/11 05:04 AM
Blue is cool and soothing to the senses. It is a difficult hue to mix and the color can vary under different types of lighting. Blue is also affected by the material it colors. Be careful which shade or tint you choose because blue can feel somber or cold. The Western 'blues' are: honesty truth loyalty masculinity formality repose tranquility sobriety sky depth of sea The Feng Shui 'blues' are: peacefulness soothing spiritual contemplation patient The positive attributes of blue are trust, faithfulness and stability. It's negatives are suspicion and melancholy. Blue is good for use in meditation or therapy rooms (2 comments)
home: Is Your House 'Green'?
- 11/30/11 05:04 AM
For a friendly atmosphere that is reminiscent of nature, use green in your home decorating. It is a color that can be either warm or cool depending on whether there is more yellow or blue in the mix. Some researchers have found that green can help to improve your reading ability. Supposedly, by laying a transparent sheet of green paper over your reading material will increase reading speed and comprehension.
image source Western meanings of green: nature serenity hope wealth safety peace security envy passivity In Feng Shui, green stands for: harmony tranquility restfulness health good luck infertility envy Green (0 comments)
home: 'Intelligent' Home Decorating with Yellow
- 11/25/11 05:52 AM
Yellow can be demanding, warm, lively or luxurious. It is the most difficult color for the eye to see and it takes on the hues of other colors. Yellow also makes for flattering highlights. Feng Shui practitioners use yellow in hallways and kitchens, but not in meditation rooms or bathrooms.
image source In the West, yellow stands for: sunlight warmth enlightenment communication cowardice deceit Feng Shui uses yellow to symbolize: intellect stimulate learning Yellow stimulates the brain and digestion. It's positive attributes are optimism, reason and decisiveness. On the other hand, yellow can represent craftiness, exaggeration or rigidity. A sunny (6 comments)
home: Cheer Up Your Home With Orange
- 11/17/11 05:33 AM
Orange is as stimulating a color as red, but not as demanding on your senses. We think of pumpkins, oranges, fire and fall leaves. Muted shades of orange are very popular to use in fall decorating, but don't be afraid to use it year-round. The brighter version of the hue can perk up any room in your home.
image source In the Western world, orange is: cheerfulness stimulation sunset excitement In Feng Shui, orange is: communication The positive attributes of orange are happiness, concentration and intellect. The negative connotation is rebelliousness. Feng Shui principles say that orange is best used (0 comments)
home: How to Bring More Sunlight into Your Home
- 11/10/11 10:17 AM
There should always be sunlight in your home. The rooms that you use the most should be filled with light and get the most filtered sun. Glaring afternoon sun is too strong so tone down the spotlight and lower the blinds or use sheers on your windows.
image source We couldn't live without the Sun. It provides warmth, energy for plant growth and gravity. Without the Sun, the Earth wouldn't even exist. Too little sunlight and the atmosphere inside your home will be damp. Mold and mildew will grow out of control and ruin your fabrics and cause health problems. (2 comments)
home: Does Your Home Have Rhythm? Part Two
- 11/07/11 09:00 AM
Last time I promised that we would discuss three more types of rhythm in interior decorating: opposition, transition and gradation. These are big words for simple concepts. Let's start with: Opposition - This is a form of repetition. You can find it where two lines meet in a right angle such as the corner of a window frame or doorway. Another example of opposition is where the horizontal line of a piece of furniture meets the vertical lines of a column or other architectural feature. The room below has more than one example of this in the horizontal lines of the (0 comments)
home: Why Should I Care About Location?
- 11/07/11 08:59 AM
Real Estate, interior decorating and Feng Shui all have something in common if approached a little differently: Location. In real estate, where your home is located is one of the things that can help to sell your property quickly and add value. In decorating, the location of your home on the property affects things like how much light is allowed inside and the location of furniture inside the home will affect traffic flow and comfort. Feng Shui is concerned not only with the location of the furniture inside your home, but with the physical location of your house on the property (2 comments)
home: Better Home Location = Better Quality of Life
- 11/07/11 06:30 AM
Tigers, Dragons and ....Turtles? Oh my! Last time I told you about the Green Dragon. This is only one of the Feng Shui landscape formations that brings protection and good fortune to your property. All four of these features are meant to protect your home and property from extreme weather. All of the symbols can just be considered common sense that tells us when a certain location is unhealthy or if it is pleasing. Better home location = better quality of life.
Today is the Black Turtle. The turtle is represented in your property by high, distant mountains behind (0 comments)
home: Does Your Home Have Rhythm? Part 3
- 10/31/11 09:21 AM
OK! The third and last installment about rhythm is here! Today it's all about radiation, contrast and alternation. Give me a three-count and away we go! AH...One! Radiation - This is the rhythm created when lines extend out from a central point. The most common use of this type of rhythm is in lighting fixtures like chandeliers. The rooms that you will see this type of rhythm used in the most are the dining room and entryways. image source AH...Two! Contrast - When you put opposites close to each other. Smooth next to rough, a square glass top on a (0 comments)
home: Does Your Home Have Rhythm?
- 10/17/11 03:30 PM
Just as in music, rhythm establishes movement. Rhythm in interior decorating assists the eye in moving more easily about the room. There are eight ways that you can use rhythm in design. Repetition, opposition, transition, gradation, progression, radiation, contrast and alternation. What!? Don't worry I am going to explain each type of rhythm in detail. The first type of rhythm in interior decorating is: Repetition - Repeat color, pattern, texture, line, light or form to establish rhythm in your space. Color - This is the easiest way to establish rhythm, especially if your rooms are primarily neutral (black & white, all (2 comments)