Scared To Buy A Home In The Charlotte Metro Area This Halloween/Fall Season? No Reason To Be Scared!There are many myths about how difficult and complicated it is to buy a home these days and it's time to bust many of them. As the infographic below says "buying a home can be scary... until you k
Happy Halloween from Nina Hollander/Carolinas Realty Partners with Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage in Charlotte, North Carolina! We wish you an un-boo-lievably fun Halloween. May you receive only treats and no tricks, may all your candy be dandy, and may no black cats cross your path this
Indian Land, SC Fall Festival 2018 Charlotte area's Indian Land Fall Festival returns for its 13th year this Saturday, November 3rd and Sunday, November 4th! The original idea behind the Indian Land Fall Festival was to gather Indian Land families to celebrate the end of summer and beginning of
Why Homeowners Choose To Sell Their Homes The home might be haunted! In the spirit of the Halloween season it's a "fun" fact that some 28% of Realtors® who responded to an NAR survey said they'd had experience helping clients sell a home and to look for a new one because their clients were convi
Your Vote Is Your Right, Your Privilege, Your Responsiblity6 More Days To Take Advantage of Early Voting In Charlotte-Mecklenburg: Where/When To Vote One Stop Early Voting in Charlotte/Mecklenburg continues through November 3rd so you've got six more days to vote before Election Day on Novembe
National Cat Day: October 29th It's National Cat Day! ~ It's the purr-fect day for all cat parents to wish their fur babies a happy day. It's also the purr-fect day to show our cats just how much they are loved and appreciated and how much joy and comfort they bring to our lives. As the NationalC
It's National Chocolate Day On October 28th! (All Day!) Today is National Chocolate Day! Of course, for me, as a card-carrying "chocoholic," every day should be (and is) celebrated as Chocolate Day! I really do believe that life is short, so I should not only eat my chocolate first, but also ea
Lawson Neighborhood in Waxhaw, NC: Real Estate Snapshot For 3rd Quarter 2018 For a more detailed report about Lawson neighborhood home sales in the 3rd quarter of 2018, click here. To track sales in Lawson "real time," click here for our Neighborhood Analyzer Report and sign up to automatical
Millbridge Neighborhood in Waxhaw, NC: Real Estate Snapshot For 3rd Quarter 2018 For a more detailed report about Millbridge neighborhood home sales in the 3rd quarter of 2018, click here. WHAT MAKES WAXHAW'S MILLBRIDGE ONE OF CHARLOTTE METRO AREA'S MOST DESIRED COMMUNITIES? It's All About
City of Charlotte Expects Traffic Delays During Presidential Visit On Friday, October 26thMotorists/commuters traveling on routes between Charlotte Douglas International Airport and Bojangles Coliseum on Friday, October 26th, should expect and be prepared for traffic delays related to President