vancouver: Holding this wonderful house open this Sunday! - 09/15/12 05:23 AM
$269500 / 4br - 2556ft² - Open House Sunday, 1-4pm (Meadow Estates) Beautiful new construction home in a great neighborhood, just minutes from I-5, I-205 and Vancouver Mall. 4BR, 2 1/2 bath with a ton of storage space and an incredible Master Suite including luxurious Master Bath. Open Sunday, 9/16/12 from 1-4pm. Hardwood Floors, Gas Fireplace and a Home Warranty!Follow the signs off Andresen. Andresen to 40th St/North on 66th Ave/ West on 43rd St/North onto 64th Ave.NE. House address is: 4408 NE 64th Ave. 
Come see me, say hi, and tour this incredible find!


vancouver: Where Were You When The World Stopped Turning? - 09/11/12 12:56 AM
     I began my morning by hearing that song by Alan Jackson on the radio on my drive in to the office. Funny how a song can bring up memories and emotions not thought about in a while. I remember the attacks vividly, watching the coverage as I sat with brothers in the firehouse of our Volunteer Fire Department in Ohio on that day.
     I remember the haunting feeling for days afterward of not seeing vapor trails in the skies. More than anything else though, I remember how America came together as one during that time. Race, religion, … (5 comments)

vancouver: Hosting an Open House on a terrific find! - 02/11/12 03:33 PM
You HAVE to stop by and see this immaculate home in the Salmon Creek area of Vancouver! Address is 409 NE 134th St. ( Tenney Rd/ 139th to south at HB Fuller park/ Left on 134th St/ Right on 3rd Ave/ Left on 132nd/ Left on 5th Ave/ Left on 134th) OPEN SUNDAY 2/12 from 1 TO 4. Huge lot (over 10,000 sq ft)!! There's been one owner since this was built--Clean as a whistle! Fabulous schools & neighborhood! Close to both freeways!NOT SHORT! NOT SHORT! NOT SHORT! For more info. contact Jolie Hooper/ Coldwell Banker 360-904-4313 or Ron Fowler / Coldwell banker Seal … (2 comments)

vancouver: Pumkinpalooza - Got your pumpkins in Clark County yet? - 10/12/11 04:52 PM
Break out the carving kits and warm up the cider, it's that time of year again. Prep time is here for the dentist's favorite holiday - All Hallow's Eve (or Halloween if you are a tad more modern).
 If you're still looking for that perfect gourd, here's a website that lists almost all of the patches in Southwest Washington, some with lots of fun activities to go along with your hunt.
Whether you stay in or head out with all the ghosts and ghouls, here's a website with some tips on how to have a safe Halloween.
If you … (0 comments)

vancouver: It's That Time Of Year - 09/01/11 10:54 AM

Just a quick reminder that the kiddos are heading back to school, so please keep an extra eye out for school buses and kids walking. Also, please keep your speed down in the school zones, police will be out watching to make sure you do, and that extra 30 seconds it takes you keeps the kids safe.
Evergreen schools returned to the classroom yesterday and Vancouver schools return to the classroom next Wednesday (9/7/11).

vancouver: It’s Fair Time Again! - 08/02/11 05:05 AM
          Just a little reminder that the Clark County Fair opens this weekend and runs through August 14th.  With only $10 admission for adults (cheaper than a movie these days!) and lots to see and do, there is always a fun time to be had by both old and young. Leave your diet at home though, nothing beats fair food *chuckles*.
          Lots of entertainment, food, and events are planned again this year and make sure you check out the Exhibition Hall for a ton of vendors as well as arts, crafts and projects from many talented kids and adults right … (3 comments)

vancouver: Please be gentle, this is my first time - 07/29/11 01:23 PM
          After lurking on many sites, including this one, reading the witty, informative and talented blogs that appear and sitting in awe of the skill of these writers, I have finally been talked into starting my own blog.
          I wrestled with what the subject should be of my first blog for a couple of weeks, then one conversation with my wife popped the idea light above my head on. While we were talking about real estate one evening (while watching HGTV), the conversation turned to buyer’s agents and she asked me the question many ask, “how much does a buyer’s … (13 comments)

Ron Fowler (Fowler Copywriting)

Ron Fowler

Vancouver, WA

More about me…

Fowler Copywriting

Address: Vancouver, WA, 98683

Mobile: 360-977-3623



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