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Services for Real Estate Pros - New Horizon
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 Could producing your own podcast show reap major marketing rewards for your real estate business?The simple answer is "it depends."  It depends on your willingness and commitment to marketing your real estate business.  Podcast shows, postcards, Facebook posts, LinkedIn and all types of marketin...
Remember to set aside one day each week to rest. For you. For your family. For your business or career.Rest makes you more productive.  Your thoughts and actions are sharp when you get proper rest.As busy parents, real estate professionals and teachers we need to remember our journey is long and ...
The "Soft Side" of real estate = Showing your audience you care.  Connecting with your sphere of infulence and prospects on an emotional level can show you understand real estate is emotional.  That it's about people.  Positioning your marketing efforts from the "soft side" allows you to creative...
Would You Sell Real Estate For No Commission, Ever?  I would.  I always have.  I always will.  As a child I would dream of a structure I would like to build and I would use my favorite toy "K'NEX" to build it.  Every Friday I would rush home, tear down last week's construction and build something...
Your marketing message does not always have to be about the real estate market.  Making a connection with your prospects and sphere of influence is simple.  Share information via your marketing that is useful and needed by everyone.  Topics like "Family Safety Tips" is an excellent reason to cont...
 Reading and sharing is an excellent way to generate content for marketing your real estate business. Sharing 10 ten health tips or 10 local family restaurants is a good reason to contact your prospects and clients. Share useful information with your content marketing across multiple platforms. S...
 Content Markeing for Your Real Estate Business Can Be As Easy as 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. Make content marketing easy and fun by always thinking "lists!"  Be "friendly" and provide your prospects and sphere of influence lists of 10 quick tips on subjects you would freely discuss at work. S...
Does Being "Friendly" Lead to More Smiling Faces at the Closing Table?Take your "Sales" hat off for a minute and put your "Friend" cap on.  Who would you rather do business with a friend or stranger? A stranger is who you are when you arrive to an appointment to meet a prospect. Your prospect is ...
  The reality is everyone will be in the real estate market at some point in their life.  Shelter is a basic human necessity.  Unfortunately, everyone is not in the market TODAY for your services as a real estate professional.    The GREAT news is... Everyone's in the market for a "smile" each an...
Realtor Success Mindset Moment:Success is not a destination, it's a process. If you want to be a successful real estate agent, engage in the process of continous improvement and you will experience success.  Each and everyday.Getting better each day is "Success!"  A new friend and client messaged...

Michael Oden

Marketing Coach & Accountant for real estate agent
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