What Are You Grateful For? Watch MO's video to learn 3 FREE and EASY marketing strategies to grow your real estate business with gratitude! If you can't be grateful for the business you have, why will you be grateful for the business you are pressing to get? Nothing will ever be enough. Take t
Atlanta agent Matt Hermes was kind enough to spend some time talking with MO on the subject of farming. Matt's team farms over 2,000 homes in metro Atlanta. Matt's team is reconized as one of "America's Best Real Estate Teams" by Real Trends. Farming works for Matt. Farming can work for you t
Join us for another edition of Free Marketing Tuesday. Learn 3 postcard strategies to help you dominate your competition in 2016! Visit www.theMOshow.net at 12pm. Dial in and join the web presentation by clicking the Join button.
As a Real Estate Professional it's important for you to stay in front of your prospective clients and referral partners! Let's be honest, no one walks around with sticky notes containing your name, email address and phone number ready to be produced in the event someone asks for a good real esta
Could giving away your real estate knowledge be good marketing strategy for your real estate business? As sales professionals we are trained to "close the sale" before exchanging the cards we hold in our hands. Get a signature, then deliver the product or service. But what if things were diff