marketing plan: Could Your Local Bean Counter Provide a Barrel Full of Leads? - 04/13/16 11:50 PM

Do you think your local bean counter would make a good referral partner?'s a secret...I love real estate and marketing but I co-own and manage a tax company here in Atlanta. I've been doing taxes for 8+ years, over 5,000 returns supervised across 7 locations.
I've seen a lot of folks. Based your tax return, I know if you own a home or if you're renting. How? One little form that's used to file home mortgage interest, taxes and mortgage insurance premium as tax deductions.
You're local tax guys knows this information too!
Could you work with your local bean counter to … (1 comments)

marketing plan: What's Your Excuse? Why Don't You Have the Business of Your Dreams? - 12/04/15 10:58 AM
If you like this video, please like and share it.  If you like what you hear, please join our email list to hear more:
#1 rule of #RealEstateSuccess:  Ask for the sale.  If you can't ask for the sale, why are you in real estate sales?  I asked for the sale in the first sentence.  That's #RealEstateSuccess!

marketing plan: Learn How to Earn $120,000 in GCI from Your Real Estate Database - 12/01/15 08:41 AM
Watch today's webinar:  
3 Reasons You Need a Database for Your Real Estate Business
It's Free Marketing Tuesday at Real Estate Success!
Learn 3 reasons you need a database for your real estate business today.  On today's webinar MO discusses how to generate $120,000 in gross commission income from your database!
Click here for your FREE Marketing study guide!  
Need a growth hack strategy for 2016?  Watch and learn how to build your database with predicive marketing leads.  Simply put, predictive marketing gives you night goggles so you can see homes preparing to list before your competitors have a clue.  
It's a great webinar!  Watch and learn how … (0 comments)

marketing plan: 3 Free and Easy Marketing Strategies to Grow Your Real Estate Business - 11/20/15 04:55 AM
What Are You Grateful For?
Watch MO's video to learn 3 FREE and EASY marketing strategies to grow your real estate business with gratitude!  
If you can't be grateful for the business you have, why will you be grateful for the business you are pressing to get? Nothing will ever be enough. Take time each and everyday to be grateful for the life you have and watch the Real Estate Gods pour more business down on you! I promise. It's worked in my business and life. I promise it will work for you. Join me today and post a picture of something you're … (1 comments)

marketing plan: Learn 3 Postcard Strategies to Help You Dominate in 2016. - 11/09/15 11:13 AM
Join us for another edition of Free Marketing Tuesday.  Learn 3 postcard strategies to help you dominate your competition in 2016!
Visit at 12pm.  Dial in and join the web presentation by clicking the Join button. 

marketing plan: 5 Creative and Engaging Marketing Ideas for Real Estate Professionals - 11/05/15 12:22 AM
As a Real Estate Professional it's important for you to stay in front of your prospective clients and referral partners!  Let's be honest, no one walks around with sticky notes containing your name, email address and phone number ready to be produced in the event someone asks for a good real estate professional.  Life, nor marketing happens that way. Your target audience will only remember you, if you're top of mind.  High frequency and engagement is the best way to stay top of mind.  The masterpiece, Millionaire Real Estate Agent by Gary Keller prescribes 8 touches for new prospects and 33 annual touches for your … (0 comments)

marketing plan: Is "Giving-2-Get" Business A Good Marketing Strategy? - 11/02/15 12:22 AM
Could giving away your real estate knowledge be good marketing strategy for your real estate business?   As sales professionals we are trained to "close the sale" before exchanging the cards we hold in our hands.  Get a signature, then deliver the product or service.  But what if things were different?  What if we gave before asking for the signature? Let's exam this concept.  A car dealership will allow you test drive a vehicle, maybe keep it overnight.  If you request to take a 30 day cross country "test drive" your sales representative WILL look at you as if you're crazy and politely ask if … (2 comments)

marketing plan: Could Your Real Estate Business Use Some Good Marketing Ideas? - 10/26/15 11:53 PM
 Sometimes we just new a few good ideas to get going with our real estate marketing.  Here is a list of marketing ideas focused on the theme of "Dream Homes."  A dream home may be a first time buyer's 1,000 sq ft ranch or a world reknown Phyican's 10,000 sq ft mansion.   Everybody has a home of their dreams...  Find someone dreaming and usher them down the aisle to home ownership. Below are a few ideas that could help your marketing for 2016, around the theme of "Dream Homes." Drive desirable neighborhoods with buildable lots.  Record video and conduct an exclusive dream … (13 comments)

Michael Oden, Marketing Coach & Accountant for real estate agent (New Horizon)

Michael Oden

Marketing Coach & Accountant for real estate agent

Marietta, GA

More about me…

New Horizon

Mobile: 678-647-7249



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