"99% of real estate agents are not using video to market their business. If you want to standout and make more money in your real estate business you must use video marketing." - Travis Robertson, CEO of Robertson Coaching International.
Watch real estate marketing tip video #0002 - 3 Reasons Why Video is Important to Your Marketing.
Here's 3 Reasons You Should be Using Video in Your Real Estate Business, today: Videos make blogging easy! You can talk quicker than you can write and your videos can be transcribed.
Video helps you make impressive FREE REPORTS! Deliver your free reports via direct mail (DVD), email or Youtube. "Wow" (3 comments)
real estate coaching: Learn How to Earn $120,000 in GCI from Your Real Estate Database
- 12/01/15 08:41 AM
Watch today's webinar: 3 Reasons You Need a Database for Your Real Estate Business It's Free Marketing Tuesday at Real Estate Success! Learn 3 reasons you need a database for your real estate business today. On today's webinar MO discusses how to generate $120,000 in gross commission income from your database! Click here for your FREE Marketing study guide! Need a growth hack strategy for 2016? Watch and learn how to build your database with predicive marketing leads. Simply put, predictive marketing gives you night goggles so you can see homes preparing to list before your competitors have a clue. It's a great webinar! Watch and learn how (0 comments)
Watch MO's video to learn 3 FREE and EASY marketing strategies to grow your real estate business with gratitude!
If you can't be grateful for the business you have, why will you be grateful for the business you are pressing to get? Nothing will ever be enough. Take time each and everyday to be grateful for the life you have and watch the Real Estate Gods pour more business down on you! I promise. It's worked in my business and life. I promise it will work for you. Join me today and post a picture of something you're (1 comments)
Visit www.theMOshow.net at 12pm. Dial in and join the web presentation by clicking the Join button.
real estate coaching: 5 Creative and Engaging Marketing Ideas for Real Estate Professionals
- 11/05/15 12:22 AM
As a Real Estate Professional it's important for you to stay in front of your prospective clients and referral partners! Let's be honest, no one walks around with sticky notes containing your name, email address and phone number ready to be produced in the event someone asks for a good real estate professional. Life, nor marketing happens that way. Your target audience will only remember you, if you're top of mind. High frequency and engagement is the best way to stay top of mind. The masterpiece, Millionaire Real Estate Agent by Gary Keller prescribes 8 touches for new prospects and 33 annual touches for your (0 comments)
real estate coaching: Is "Giving-2-Get" Business A Good Marketing Strategy?
- 11/02/15 12:22 AM
Could giving away your real estate knowledge be good marketing strategy for your real estate business? As sales professionals we are trained to "close the sale" before exchanging the cards we hold in our hands. Get a signature, then deliver the product or service. But what if things were different? What if we gave before asking for the signature? Let's exam this concept. A car dealership will allow you test drive a vehicle, maybe keep it overnight. If you request to take a 30 day cross country "test drive" your sales representative WILL look at you as if you're crazy and politely ask if (2 comments)
Today on The Mo Show - Free Marketing Tuesday Edition - we discuss this week's marketing question "Would Ms. Oprah Winfrey Make a Good Real Estate Agent?"
What do you think? Please join us Today @12pm on www.TheMOShow.net - The Real Estate Success Network's first podcast show for real estate professionals who share their knowledge and market creatively.
I have been blessed with a wonderful personal and business career not because of my business acumen or savvy marketing skills, but my genuine spirit. I care about people, first. I never do business with people I can't bring value too. Even if they are willing to give me a (0 comments)
Would You Sell Real Estate For No Commission, Ever? I would. I always have. I always will. As a child I would dream of a structure I would like to build and I would use my favorite toy "K'NEX" to build it. Every Friday I would rush home, tear down last week's construction and build something new to play with for the week. Houses, football stadiums, basketball stadiums, big office buildings, etc. I was a developer and builder as a child and no one realized it. Not even me. I was doing my "Dream" job as a child and no one paid (3 comments)
real estate coaching: Can Babies and Burning Houses Lead to More Cash in Your Business?
- 09/21/15 06:55 PM
Your marketing message does not always have to be about the real estate market. Making a connection with your prospects and sphere of influence is simple. Share information via your marketing that is useful and needed by everyone. Topics like "Family Safety Tips" is an excellent reason to contact your marketing list. Sharing tips forgotten and overlooked can be an excellent way to show your audience that you care about them as human beings and the information shared just might make a serious difference in someones life.
"Is Your Family Protected?" is an excellent question to ask prospects via your marketing. This topic (0 comments)
Reading and sharing is an excellent way to generate content for marketing your real estate business. Sharing 10 ten health tips or 10 local family restaurants is a good reason to contact your prospects and clients. Share useful information with your content marketing across multiple platforms. Social media posts/ads, direct mail, hand delivery, your website, text message or any meaningful medium. Sample Copy for Jumbo Postcard/FB Post: Front of Postcard: Picture Rear Copy: (Realtor picture upper left hand corner) Recently, I read an excellent article in Home and Garden Magazine. "10 Inexpensive Home Decorating Tips That Return Thousands Upon Sale!" The first 10 Homeowners to (1 comments)
Content Markeing for Your Real Estate Business Can Be As Easy as 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.
Make content marketing easy and fun by always thinking "lists!" Be "friendly" and provide your prospects and sphere of influence lists of 10 quick tips on subjects you would freely discuss at work. Subjects like health, finance, family, sports, insurance, local new restaurants, historic restaurants, things to do in town with your visitors, ways to save money on travel and the list goes on and on... Your audience will appreciate your efforts to provide useful information they can use immediately, regardless if (2 comments)
real estate coaching: Does Being "Friendly" Lead to More Smiling Faces at the Closing Table?
- 09/15/15 11:50 PM
Does Being "Friendly" Lead to More Smiling Faces at the Closing Table? Take your "Sales" hat off for a minute and put your "Friend" cap on. Who would you rather do business with a friend or stranger? A stranger is who you are when you arrive to an appointment to meet a prospect. Your prospect is a stranger to you as well. Opening your world to prospects speeds up the getting to "know, like and trust" process. Which ultimately helps you get to the closing table faster. Have you ever thought you "Knocked Out!" a listing presentation only to never receive a return (2 comments)
The reality is everyone will be in the real estate market at some point in their life. Shelter is a basic human necessity. Unfortunately, everyone is not in the market TODAY for your services as a real estate professional.
The GREAT news is...
Everyone's in the market for a "smile" each and every day of their life. It too is a basic human necessity. Use images to connect with prospects and your sphere of influnce. Offer great information on the market and useful tips on "american" life. Tips on subjects like family, children, fun, health, savings, retirement, sports, etc.
Making your audience "smile" when they (2 comments)
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Michael Oden
Marketing Coach & Accountant for real estate agent