appraisal: Dangerous Legislation Threatening Originators, Agents and Appraisers - PLEASE RESPOND - 04/28/08 11:16 AM
This is an email that has been posted in the LTB forum and is very appropriate for the Activerain community...  Please read and I urge you to follow the link and submit your opposition to this potential legislation...The reason for this memo, a regulatory call to action, deals with a nearly silently adopted regulation which could very well be the most dangerous restriction ever placed on the mortgage industry. It literally threatens to eliminate mortgage brokers almost overnight. We have to act now to stop it, because the commentary period on the proposed regulation ends this Wednesday.  (APRIL 30th)The new regulations … (1 comments)

Paul Dunn, former orginator

Paul Dunn

former orginator

Tucson, AZ

More about me…

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