community: Mortgage Marketing Community Forum Looking For Creative Mortgage Marketing Loan Originators - 08/26/08 05:37 PM
The Mortgage Marketing Community has recently created a new forum, take a look at the Mortgage Marketing Community Forum.  We've created the form as a place where Mortgage Loan Originators can put their creative Mortgage Marketing thinking caps on and network together.  Our goal is to make this a place where originators can get excited about the mortgage business again, share ideas and make things happen.  We also welcome any suggestions, because we know if the originator is empowered, it doesn't have to be so tough out there.


community: Can someone explain Active Rain Points and why I want them? - 07/31/08 03:35 PM
Technically, a post should be about sharing knowledge.  And after having a conversation with fellow Tucson Mortgage Guru Mike Jones, I've come to realize I've come to realize that I have no stinking clue what the points thing is all about or why I want them...
So since posts are generally about sharing insight, maybe some of the brighter Active Rain folks can help me out and this can become a post of reference for the future.
So here are my questions...
1) Why do I want points?  Does it have a google juice effect?
2) How do I get them?  … (44 comments)

Paul Dunn, former orginator

Paul Dunn

former orginator

Tucson, AZ

More about me…

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