mortgage loan: FHA Secure - The Short Refinance - Paul Dunn Tucson's FHA Lender - 05/05/08 06:46 PM
We've all heard about the Short Sale as it seems to be dominating our marketplace here in Tucson.  But many people haven't heard about the Short Refinance. 
It's an FHA Secure refinance, it IS available in Tucson and has a special circumstance, and that circumstance is that the homeowner's existing mortgage is more than the home's current value.  In this case the FHA Secure Refinance will be dependant on the existing lender.
The existing mortgage lender has three options:
Do nothing and let the homeowner continue to attempt to make high burdensome mortgage paymentsTake a second mortgage to pay the differenceTake a "Short" payoff on … (4 comments)

Paul Dunn, former orginator

Paul Dunn

former orginator

Tucson, AZ

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